Installed Application Software and Libraries

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This page was created to give you an overview of the installed software on the cluster (name/version). The list will be updated at least once per week.

If you find a program in this list, but cant find it on the cluster (for example when looking at the output of the command module avail) it has most likely been hidden. Its also possible that a module isnt listed here because it is hidden. You can find every hidden module here: /cm/shared/uniol/modules/.hidden. If you want to access a hidden module, you have to add a "." in front of the version number, e.g.:

[abcd1234@hpcl001 ~]$ module load PCRE/8.39-intel-2016b
Lmod has detected the following error:  The following module(s) are unknown: "PCRE/8.39-intel-2016b"

Please check the spelling or version number. Also try "module spider ..."

[abcd1234@hpcl001 ~]$ module load PCRE/.8.39-intel-2016b
[abcd1234@hpcl001 ~]$ ml 

Currently Loaded Modules:
 1) hpc-uniol-env   3) icc/2016.3.210   5) binutils/.2.26-GCCcore-5.4.0   7) impi/   9) imkl/  11) PCRE/.8.39-intel-2016b
 2) slurm/current   4) GCCcore/.5.4.0   6) ifort/2016.3.210               8) iimpi/2016b     10) intel/2016b

Latest installed programs and version updates

To keep you up to date, all newly installed programs and version updates within the last two months (ca.) are listed in this section. Every new program will be installed in the new environment hpc-env/6.4 from now on.

Software Version Toolchain Date of Installation
R 3.5.2 intel-2018a 04/03/2019
Pychopper 0.4.0 intel-2018a 04/02/2019
g4py 10.05 foss-2017b 28/01/2019
GffCompare 0.10.6 foss-2017b 22/01/2019
gffread 0.9.12 foss-2017b 17/01/2019
Singularity 2.5.2 GCCcore/6.4.0 17/01/2019
StringTie 1.3.5 GCCcore/6.4.0 15/01/2019
MATLAB 2018b none 21/12/2018
Singularity 2.4.2 GCCcore/6.4.0 20/12/2018
ANTs 2.2.0 foss-2017b 19/12/2018
FSL 6.0.0 foss-2017b 18/12/2018
HISAT2 2.1.0 intel-2018a 03/12/2018
TopHat 2.1.1 intel-2018a 03/12/2018
bam_to_mate_hist 2018.11 intel-2018a 27/11/2018
FreeSurfer 6.0.1 None 28/11/2018
KNIME 3.6.2 None 14/11/2018
Spark 2.4.0 + Hadoop-2.7 intel-2018a 12/11/2018
Gaussian g16.a03 None 09/11/2018
ORCA GCCcore/6.4.0 08/11/2018
PVMOS 0.84 intel-2018a 08/11/2018
SuiteSparse 5.2.0 intel-2018a 08/11/2018
Parallel 20180422 intel-2018a 07/11/2018
EGSnrc 2018 GCC/6.4.0-2.28 06/11/2018
ESMF 7.1.0r intel-2018a 05/11/2018

Installed Software


  • cluster-tools/7.3
  • cmd
  • dot
  • freeipmi/1.5.2
  • gcc/6.1.0
  • ipmitool/1.8.17
  • module-git
  • module-info
  • openldap
  • shared


  • hpc-uniol-env (L)
  • slurm/current (L)





  • CUDA-Toolkit/8.0.44
  • CUDA-Toolkit/recent
  • GCC/4.9.4-2.25
  • GCC/5.4.0-2.26
  • GCC/6.2.0-2.27 (D)
  • LLVM/3.8.1-goolf-5.2.01
  • LLVM/3.8.1-intel-2016b
  • LLVM/3.8.1-gimpi-6.2016
  • LLVM/3.9.0-intel-2016b (D)
  • NAG_Fortran/5.2
  • PGI/12.10
  • PGI/15.10
  • PGI/16.10 (D)
  • icc/2016.3.210
  • ifort/2016.3.210


  • ANTs/2.2.0-foss-2017b-Python-2.7.14
  • CDO/1.7.2-intel-2016b
  • HDF/4.2.11-intel-2016b
  • HDF/4.2.12-gimkl-7.2017.3
  • HDF/4.2.12-goolf-7.2.11
  • HDF5/1.8.17-intel-2016b
  • merra2wrf/2.0
  • NCL/6.3.0-intel-2016b
  • g2clib/1.4.0-intel-2016b
  • g2lib/1.4.0-intel-2016b
  • grib_api/1.16.0-intel-2016b
  • netCDF/4.4.1-intel-2016b
  • netCDF/4.4.1-intel-2016b-with-HDF4
  • netCDF-Fortran/4.4.4-intel-2016b
  • netCDF-Fortran/4.4.4-intel-2016b-with-HDF4
  • ROOT/v5.34.36
  • ROOT/v6.08.02


  • Autoconf/2.69-gimpi-6.2016
  • Autoconf/2.69-gimpi-6.2016
  • Automake/1.16.1-GCCcore-6.4.0
  • Autotools/20150215
  • Autotools/20150215-gimpi-6.2016
  • Autotools/20170619-GCCcore-6.4.0
  • Autotools/20180311-GCCcore-6.4.0
  • ant/1.10.1-Java-1.8.0_172
  • Boost/1.61.0-gimpi-6.2016
  • Boost/1.61.0-goolf-5.2.01
  • Boost/1.61.0-intel-2016b
  • Boost/1.64.0-intel-2017a
  • Boost/1.65.1-foss-2017b-Python-3.6.3
  • Boost/1.66.0-intel-2018a
  • Boost/1.67.0-foss-2017b-Python-2.7.14
  • catkin/0.7.14-foss-2017b-Python-2.7.14
  • catkin-dep/1.0-foss-2017b-Python-2.7.14
  • CMake/2.8.12
  • CMake/3.6.2 (D)
  • CMake/3.5.2-gimpi-6.2016
  • CMake/3.6.1-gimpi-6.2016
  • CMake/3.9.1-GCCcore-6.4.0
  • CMake/3.9.5-GCCcore-6.4.0
  • CUDA-Profiler/8.0.44
  • CUDA-Visual-Profiler/8.0.44
  • Cube/4.3.4
  • GObject-Introspection/1.52.0-intel-2016b
  • gtest/1.8.0-GCCcore-6.4.0
  • libXmu/1.1.2-goolf-5.2.01
  • M4/1.4.17
  • M4/1.4.17-gimpi-6.2016
  • Mako/1.0.4-gimpi-6.2016-Python-2.7.12
  • ncurses/6.0
  • ncurses/6.0-gimpi-6.2016
  • Nvidia-Tesla-GDK/352.79
  • OTF2/2.0
  • PCRE/8.40
  • pkg-config/0.29.1-gimpi-6.2016
  • Qt/4.8.7-goolf-5.2.01
  • Qt/4.8.7-intel-2016b
  • ROS/1.14.4-foss-2017b-Python-2.7.14
  • SQLite/3.9.2-intel-2016b
  • SQLite/3.13.0-goolf-5.2.01
  • SQLite/3.13.0-intel-2016b
  • SQLite/3.19.3
  • SQLite/3.20.1-GCCcore-6.4.0
  • SQLite/3.23.0-intel-2018a
  • Spark/2.4.0-intel-2018a-Hadoop-2.7
  • SWIG/3.0.8-intel-2016b-Python-2.7.12
  • SWIG/3.0.12-Python-3.6.1
  • Scalasca/2.3
  • Valgrind/3.12.0
  • xbitmaps/1.1.1
  • xcb-proto/1.7-goolf-5.2.01-Python-2.7.3
  • xextproto/7.2.1-goolf-5.2.01
  • xproto/7.0.23-goolf-5.2.01
  • xtrans/1.2-goolf-5.2.01
  • xorg-macros/1.19.0


  • Anaconda3/4.3.0
  • Bison/3.0.4
  • Bison/3.0.4-gimpi-6.2016
  • Gurobi/7.0.2
  • flex/2.6.0-gimpi-6.2016
  • flex/2.6.4-GCCcore-6.4.0
  • Java/8.112
  • Julia/1.0.1-intel-2018a-Perl-5.28.0
  • nodejs/4.4.7-intel-2016b
  • Perl/5.20.3
  • Perl/5.26.0-foss-2017b
  • Perl/5.26.0-GCCcore-6.4.0
  • Perl/5.28.0-GCCcore-6.4.0
  • Python/2.7.3-goolf-5.2.01
  • Python/2.7.11-intel-2016b
  • Python/2.7.12
  • Python/3.5.2 (D)
  • Python/3.6.1-goolf-5.2.01
  • R/3.3.1
  • R/3.4.3
  • R/3.5.2
  • ScientificPython/2.9.4-Python-2.7.12 (D)
  • TCL/8.6.4-intel-2016b
  • TCL/8.6.5
  • TCL/Tcl/8.6.7-GCCcore-6.4.0
  • TCL/Tcl/8.6.8-GCCcore-6.4.0
  • Yasm/1.3.0


  • CFITSIO/3.410
  • CUDA-Blas/8.0.44
  • CUDA-FFT/8.0.44
  • GlobalArrays/5.4b-intel-2016b
  • libdrm/2.4.70-gimpi-6.2016
  • libffi/3.2.1-gimpi-6.2016
  • libglade/2.6.4-intel-2016b
  • libharu/2.3.0-intel-2016b
  • libtool/2.4.6
  • libtool/2.4.6-gimpi-6.2016
  • libpng/1.6.24
  • libpng/1.6.24-gimpi-6.2016
  • libreadline/6.3-gimpi-6.2016
  • libreadline/6.2-goolf-5.2.01
  • libxcb/1.8-goolf-5.2.01-Python-2.7.3
  • libXft/2.3.2-intel-2016b
  • libxml2/2.9.4
  • libxml2/2.9.4-gimpi-6.2016
  • libXpm/3.5.11-goolf-5.2.01
  • libXpm/3.5.11-intel-2016b
  • nettle/3.2-gimpi-6.2016
  • SIONlib/1.6.1
  • testpath/0.3-intel-2016b-Python-3.5.2
  • Xerces-C++/3.1.3
  • xforms/1.2.4
  • zlib/1.2.7-goolf-5.2.01
  • zlib/1.2.8
  • zlib/1.2.8-gimpi-6.2016
  • zlib/1.2.11
  • zlib/1.2.11-GCCcore-6.4.0
  • zoltan/3.83


  • Eigen/3.2.9-gimpi-6.2016
  • bgc/1.03-intel-2018a
  • GMP/6.1.0-intel-2016b
  • GMP/6.1.1
  • METIS/5.1.0-gimpi-6.2016 (D)
  • NEURON/7.5-intel-2016b
  • NEURON/7.6.2-intel-2018a
  • MPFR/3.1.4
  • SCOTCH/6.0.4-gimpi-6.2016 (D)
  • Theano/1.0.1-foss-2017b-Python-3.6.3


  • OpenMPI/1.10.4-GCC-4.9.4
  • OpenMPI/2.0.1-GCC-5.4.0
  • OpenMPI/2.0.1-GCC-6.2.0
  • OpenMPI/2.0.2-GCC-5.4.0-2.26 (D)
  • impi/


  • ATLAS/3.10.2
  • Armadillo/7.500.1
  • CGAL/4.8.1-gimpi-6.2016
  • CLHEP/
  • CLHEP/
  • CLHEP/
  • CLHEP/
  • cuDNN/5.1-CUDA-8.0.44
  • cvx/2.1
  • Eigen/3.2.9
  • Eigen/3.2.9-gimpi-6.2016
  • FFTW/3.3.5-gompi-5.2.01
  • FIAT/1.6.0-intel-2016b-Python-2.7.12
  • GMP/6.1.1 (D)
  • GSL/2.1-intel-2016b
  • GSL/2.3-goolf-6.2.01
  • GSL/2.3-intel-2016b
  • GSL/2.4-GCCcore-6.4.0
  • GSL/2.4-goolf-7.2.11
  • Hypre/2.11.1
  • imkl/
  • leda/6.3
  • LinBox/1.4.0
  • maple/18
  • maple/2016 (D)
  • MATLAB/2016b
  • MATLAB/2017b
  • MATLAB/2018b
  • MPFR/3.1.4
  • NTL/9.8.1
  • Octave/4.0.3
  • OpenBLAS/0.2.19
  • Qhull/2015.2
  • ScaLAPACK/2.0.2
  • SuiteSparse/4.5.3
  • SuiteSparse/4.5.3-intel-2018a-METIS-5.1.0
  • SuiteSparse/5.2.0-intel-2016b-METIS-5.1.0
  • SuiteSparse/5.2.0-intel-2018a-METIS-5.1.0
  • stata/13




  • ansys/18.0
  • bzip2/1.0.6-gimpi-6.2016
  • configurable-http-proxy/1.3.0-intel-2016b-nodejs-4.4.7
  • EasyBuild/3.0.0
  • expat/2.2.0-gimpi-6.2016
  • Ghostscript/9.19-intel-2016b
  • NCO/4.6.0-intel-2016b
  • parallel/20160622-GCC-5.4.0-2.26
  • parallel/20180422-intel-2018a
  • tree/1.7.0
  • Singularity/2.4.2-GCCcore-6.4.0
  • Singularity/2.5.2-GCCcore-6.4.0
  • util-linux/2.29-intel-2016b
  • XZ/5.2.2-gimpi-6.2016
  • XZ/5.2.2-intel-2016b


  • ATK/2.24.0-intel-2016b
  • FFmpeg/3.1.3-intel-2016b
  • fontconfig/2.12.1-gimpi-6.2016
  • freetype/2.7.1
  • freetype/2.6.5-gimpi-6.2016
  • gettext/0.18.2-goolf-5.2.01
  • gettext/0.19.8-gimpi-6.2016
  • Glade/3.8.5-intel-2016b-Python-2.7.12
  • GLib/2.49.5
  • GLib/2.52.0-intel-2016b
  • GraphicsMagick/1.3.25-intel-2016b
  • GTK+/2.24.3-intel-2016b
  • gv/3.7.4
  • inputproto/2.3-goolf-5.2.01
  • kbproto/1.0.6-goolf-5.2.01
  • Mesa/17.2.5-foss-2017b
  • Mesa/17.2.5-GCCcore-6.4.0
  • Mesa/17.3.6-intel-2018a
  • OpenCV/3.1.0-intel-2016b
  • p4vasp/0.3.29-intel-2016b-Python-2.7.12
  • ParaView/5.1.2-goolf-5.2.01-mpi
  • ParaView/5.1.2-intel-2016b-mpi (D)
  • Tk/8.6.4-intel-2016b-no-X11
  • Tk/8.6.5-gimpi-6.2016
  • UDUNITS/2.2.20-intel-2016b
  • gettext/0.19.8
  • gnuplot/5.0.5-intel-2016b
  • grace/5.1.25
  • libICE/1.0.8-goolf-5.2.01
  • libSM/1.2.1-goolf-5.2.01
  • libX11/1.6.1-goolf-5.2.01
  • libX11/1.6.3-intel-2016b
  • libXaw/1.0.12-goolf-5.2.01
  • libXpm/3.5.11-goolf-5.2.01
  • libXt/1.1.4-goolf-5.2.01
  • motif/2.3.6
  • ncview/2.1.7-intel-2016b
  • PyCairo/1.10.0-intel-2016b-Python-2.7.12
  • PyGObject/2.28.6-intel-2016b-Python-2.7.12
  • PyGTK/2.24.0-intel-2016b-Python-2.7.12
  • PyOpenGL/3.1.1a1-intel-2016b
  • X11/20160819-goolf-5.2.01
  • X11/20171023-GCCcore-6.4.0
  • X11/20180604-GCCcore-6.4.0
  • X11/all

The list above is based on the information gathered by the command

module avail

If you want to create a list of every available software on the cluster, on your own, you can do this by simply using the command:

module spider

The available software will be listed in the format: name, version