Install PALM on Eddy
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PALM is a large-eddy simulation (LES) model for atmospheric and oceanic flows which is especially designed for performing on massively parallel computer architectures. PALM is free software. It can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the GNU General Public License (v3).
Some of PALM's highlights are:
- excellent scaling, so far tested up to 32,000 cores
- online data analysis (during model runs) in order to avoid I/O bottlenecks
- topography realized on cartesian grid (allows for steep topography)
- non-cyclic horizontal boundary conditions including turbulent inflow
- code can be switched to ocean version with salinity equation and equation of state for seawater
- embedded parallelized Lagrangian particle model for various applications (footprint calculation, simulation of cloud droplet growth, visualization, etc.)
- interface which allows users to plug in their own code extensions without modifying the default code
- advanced shell scripts for installing and running the code in interactive and batch mode are available
- code is permanently maintained and improved by the PALM group and other users; code management is based on subversion
Configuration File and Scripts for PALM
You can find the tailored files for running Palm on Eddy here: Palm_Install_Eddy.tar.gz
Further informations
For further informations, please visit the homepage.