Osmium-Tool 2016

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Osmium is a versatile command line tool for working with OpenStreetMap data. It includes many useful functions for manipulating OSM data and often outperforms similar tools. [ 1]

Installed version(s)

The following versions are installed and currently available on environment hpc-env/8.3:

  • Osmium-Tool/1.14.0-foss-2019b-Python-3.7.4

Loading Osmium-Tool

To load the desired version of the module, use the module load command, e.g.

module load hpc-env/8.3
module load Osmium-Tool

Always remember: these commands are case-sensitive!

Using Osmium-Tool

To find out of how to use Osmium-Tool you can just type in osmium --help after loading the module to print out a help text to get you started:

$ osmium --help

Usage: osmium COMMAND [ARG...]
       osmium --version

  add-locations-to-ways   Add node locations to ways
  apply-changes           Apply OSM change files to OSM data file
  cat                     Concatenate OSM files and convert to different formats
  changeset-filter        Filter OSM changesets by different criteria
  check-refs              Check referential integrity of an OSM file
  create-locations-index  Create node locations index on disk
  derive-changes          Create OSM change files from two OSM data files
  diff                    Display differences between OSM files
  export                  Export OSM data
  extract                 Create geographic extract
  fileinfo                Show information about OSM file
  getid                   Get objects with given ID from OSM file
  getparents              Get parents of objects from OSM file
  help                    Show osmium help
  merge                   Merge several sorted OSM files into one
  merge-changes           Merge several OSM change files into one
  query-locations-index   Query node locations index on disk
  removeid                Remove objects from OSM file by ID
  renumber                Renumber IDs in OSM file
  show                    Show OSM file contents
  sort                    Sort OSM data files
  tags-count              Count OSM tags
  tags-filter             Filter OSM data based on tags
  time-filter             Filter OSM data from a point in time or a time span out of a history file

  file-formats            File formats supported by Osmium
  index-types             Index types for storing node locations
  output-headers          Header options that can be set on output files

Use 'osmium COMMAND -h' for short usage information.
Use 'osmium help COMMAND' for detailed information on a specific command.
Use 'osmium help TOPIC' for detailed information on a specific topic.


The project page can be found here and on GitHub. The full documentation can be found here.