Installation script

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  • The following script download Nek 5000 in the current folder under nek5
  • Further there will be a directory called bin installed
  • At least an example will be stored in the directory eddy and will be executed

# modules to load

	module clear
	module load shared
	module load sge/6.2u5p2 
	module load intel/impi/64/
	module load intel/ics/64/2013.0.028
# download latest version

	svn co

# set bin dir
	export NEK5_SRC=`pwd`/nek5/trunk/nek
	export NEK5_BIN_DIR=`pwd`/bin


# goto tool directory

	cd nek5/trunk/tools

# modify file maketools

	sed -e 's/^F77.*/F77=ifort/' -e 's/^CC.*/CC=icc/' -e 's/HOME\/bin/NEK5_BIN_DIR/g' maketools > maketools_mod
	chmod a+x maketools_mod

# call of new maketools

	 ./maketools_mod all

# make example

	cd ../../..
# create example dir

	mkdir eddy
	cd eddy
	cp ../nek5/examples/eddy/* .
	cp ../nek5/trunk/nek/makenek .

# only for optimization

	sed -e 's/^#OPT_FLAGS_STD.*/OPT_FLAGS_STD="-xHost -Ofast -prec-sqrt -prec-div -ipo"/' makenek > makenek_mod
	chmod a+x makenek_mod
# compile example

	./makenek_mod eddy_uv $NEK5_SRC
# run example

	../nek5/trunk/tools/scripts/nekb eddy_uv