IQ-TREE 2016
IQ-TREE is a user-friendly and widely used software package for phylogenetic inference using maximum likelihood. Since the release of version 1 in 2014, IQ-TREE had been continually expanded to integrate a plethora of new models of sequence evolution and efficient computational approaches of phylogenetic inference to deal with genomic data. 1
Installed version(s)
The following versions are installed and currently available...
... on environment hpc-env/8.3:
- IQ-TREE/1.6.12-foss-2019b
- IQ-TREE/2.1.3-foss-2019b
- IQ-TREE/2.1.3-intel-2019b
Loading / Using IQ-TREE
To load the desired version of the module, use the module load command, e.g.
module load hpc-env/8.3 module load IQ-TREE
Always remember: this command is case sensitive!
To find out on how to use IQ-TREEyou can just type in iqtree2 to print out a help text to get you started:
$ iqtree2 IQ-TREE multicore version 2.1.3 COVID-edition for Linux 64-bit built Jun 18 2021 Developed by Bui Quang Minh, James Barbetti, Nguyen Lam Tung, Olga Chernomor, Heiko Schmidt, Dominik Schrempf, Michael Woodhams. Command-line examples (replace 'iqtree2 ...' by actual path to executable): 1. Infer maximum-likelihood tree from a sequence alignment (example.phy) with the best-fit model automatically selected by ModelFinder: iqtree2 -s example.phy 2. Perform ModelFinder without subsequent tree inference: iqtree2 -s example.phy -m MF (use '-m TEST' to resemble jModelTest/ProtTest) 3. Combine ModelFinder, tree search, ultrafast bootstrap and SH-aLRT test: iqtree2 -s example.phy --alrt 1000 -B 1000 4. Perform edge-linked proportional partition model (example.nex): iqtree2 -s example.phy -p example.nex (replace '-p' by '-Q' for edge-unlinked model) 5. Find best partition scheme by possibly merging partitions: iqtree2 -s example.phy -p example.nex -m MF+MERGE (use '-m TESTMERGEONLY' to resemble PartitionFinder) 6. Find best partition scheme followed by tree inference and bootstrap: iqtree2 -s example.phy -p example.nex -m MFP+MERGE -B 1000 7. Use 4 CPU cores to speed up computation: add '-T 4' option 8. Polymorphism-aware model with HKY nucleotide model and Gamma rate: iqtree2 -s -m HKY+P+G 9. PoMo mixture with virtual popsize 5 and weighted binomial sampling: iqtree2 -s -m "MIX{HKY+P{EMP},JC+P}+N5+WB" To show all available options: run 'iqtree2 -h' Have a look at the tutorial and manual for more information:
At the root directory of IQ-TREE, you can find some example data, which you can use to get yourself familiar with the program. As a demonstrative example, this is how you could proceed (with or without usage of MPI):
## load environment and IQ-TREE module: ml hpc-env/8.3 IQ-TREE/2.1.3-foss-2019b ## create dest dir and copy test file (the error message ): mkdir $HOME/iqtree_test && cd $HOME/iqtree_test && cp $EBROOTIQMINTREE/* . ## use iqtree2 with 4 threads on the example file: iqtree2 -nt 4 -s example.phy ## use iqtree2 MPI-parallelised with 4 threads on the example file: iqtree2-mpi -nt 4 -s example.phy ## look at the created output ls -la
The full documentation can be found here.