AMR-Wind 2016

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AMR-Wind is a massively parallel, block-structured adaptive-mesh, incompressible flow solver for wind turbine and wind farm simulations. The codebase is a wind-focused fork of incflo. The solver is built on top of the AMReX library. AMReX library provides the mesh data structures, mesh adaptivity, as well as the linear solvers used for solving the governing equations. 1

Installed version(s)

The following versions are installed and currently available...

... on environment hpc-env/8.3:

  • AMR-Wind/2022.09.12-intelcuda-2022.01
  • AMR-Wind/2022.09.12-intel-2019b

Loading AMR-Wind

To load the desired version of the module, use the module load command, e.g.

module load hpc-env/8.3
module load AMR-Wind

Always remember: these commands are case-sensitive!

Using AMR-Wind

AMR-Wind is primarily executed by the command amr_wind. This command must be prefixed with "mpirun -np <number_of_allocated_cores>", since the program was built with MPI and accordingly only needs to be called with it. If you want to compute with AMR-Wind by only using CPU, you need to load the `intel` module. Should you want to additionally allocate any GPUs, the `intelcuda`-based module must be loaded.

To find out on how to use AMR-Wind you can just type in mpirun -np 1 amr_wind --help after loading the module to print out a help text to get you started:

                AMR-Wind (

  AMR-Wind version :: b4538911-DIRTY
  AMR-Wind Git SHA :: b45389116df54d663f8cbd0e1e26afa29916acbd-DIRTY
  AMReX version    :: 22.08-13-gbd5f6a9f6a1a

  Exec. time       :: Fri Sep 30 09:10:46 2022
  Build time       :: Sep 13 2022 12:38:52
  C++ compiler     :: Intel

  MPI              :: ON    (Num. ranks = 1)
  GPU              :: ON    (Backend: CUDA)
  OpenMP           :: OFF

  No additional third-party libraries enabled

           This software is released under the BSD 3-clause license.           
 See for details. 

    amr_wind <input_file> [param=value] [param=value] ...

    input_file   : Input file with simulation settings

    param=value  : Overrides for parameters during runtime


The full documentation can be found here.