Group Tools

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Managing your Group

On this page, we have documented tools you can use to manage your HPC group on the cluster. These tools are intended mainly for the head of a group but anyone in the group can use them. Therefore, the head of a group can delegate the management of the group to another member of his or her group.

All HPC groups are listed here and there are regular User Meetings to which every group is invited to send a representative. If you would like to add or change information regarding your group, please contact Scientific Computing anytime.

Group Membership

The members of your group can be listed with the command

$ groupmembers

which should show you a list of usernames and names. The command does not have any additional options.

If you see users in your group who are no longer a member, please contact Scientific Computing to have the user removed.

Group Cluster Usage

The command report_group_usage can be used to find out how many core-hours have been accounted for your group. The data is updated on a monthly basis. At the moment, only core-hours are reported, in the future the share of your group in the cost of Scientific Computing will be estimated as well.

The tool has a few options and a short description can be obtained with the --help option:

$ ./report_group_usage --help
     report_group_usage [options]

Report the group usage of the HPC cluster.

  --version   show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

  Available options:
    -m        Show usage per month in addition to total
    -u        Include usage per user in output.
    -g GROUP  Specify group for report (admin users only).
    -y YEAR   Specify year of report.

Example: to get a report for the year 2018 including the usage per user, the following command can be used:

$ ./report_group_usage -u -y 2018
=                                                                      =
=              Usage Report for group hrz on cluster CARL              =
=              ------------------------------------------              =
=                                                                      =
=          Year: 2018     Months: Mar-Dec                              =
=                                                                      =
=          used Core-h total:       78372891.8 (79.1%)                 =
=                       CARL:       50355215.0 (89.7%)                 =
=                       EDDY:       28017676.8 (65.1%)                 =
=                                                                      =
=                                WallClock [h]     (%)      #Jobs      =
=     ------------------------------------------------------------     =
=      hrz                              3650.4  (0.0%)        860      =
=        |__ erle1100                     61.0                 26      =
=        |__ erma7540                      1.3                  6      =
=        |__ lees4820                   3550.8                736      =
=        |__ lozi7895                     35.7                 88      =
=        |__ tugo5116                      1.7                  4      =
=                                                                      =