STATA 2016

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STATA comprises a complete software package, offering statistical tools for data analysis, data management and graphics. On the local HPC System we offer a multiprocessor variant of STATA/MP 13, licensed for up to 12 cores. The license allows up to 5 users to work with STATA at the same time. STATA/MP uses the paradigm of symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) to benefit from the parallel capabilities offered by many modern computers and HPC systems to speed up computations.

Installed version

The currently installed version of STATA is 13.0.

Using Stata on the HPC cluster

Like every module on the cluster, STATA can be loaded by typing

module load stata

Then you can find the following STATA variants in your user environment:

  • stata: a version of STATA that handles small datasets
  • stata-se: a version of STATA for large datasets
  • stata-mp: a fast version of STATA for multicore/multiprocessor machines

More details on the different version can be found here

To facilitate bookkeeping, a good first step towards using STATA on the HPC system is to create a directory in which all STATA related computations are carried out. Using the command

 mkdir stata

you might thus create the folder stata in the top level of your home directory for this purpose (you might even go further and create a subdirectory mp13 specifying the precise version of STATA).


An user guide for STATA in version 13 can be found here (PDF-Viewer required!).