Mmg 2016

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Mmg is an open source software for simplicial remeshing. It provides 3 applications and 4 libraries:

  • The mmg2d application and the libmmg2d library: adaptation and optimization of a two-dimensional triangulation and generation of a triangulation from a set of points or from given boundary edges
  • the mmgs application and the libmmgs library: adaptation and optimization of a surface triangulation and isovalue discretization
  • the mmg3d application and the libmmg3d library: adaptation and optimization of a tetrahedral mesh and implicit domain meshing
  • the libmmg library gathering the libmmg2d, libmmgs and libmmg3d libraries

Installed version(s)

The following versions are installed and currently available...

... on environment hpc-env/8.3:

  • Mmg/5.5.2-foss-2019b

Loading / Using Mmg

To load the desired version of the module, use the module load command, e.g.

module load hpc-env/8.3
module load Mmg

Always remember: this command is case sensitive!

To find out on how to use the different Mmg executables, you can use the help argument argument -h for each of the executables:
mmg2d_O3 -h
mmg3d_O3 -h
mmgs_O3 -h

$ mmg3d_O3 -h
  -- MMG3D, Release 5.5.2 (Nov. 17, 2020) 
     Copyright (c) Bdx INP/CNRS/Inria/UPMC, 2004-
     Jul 29 2021 15:05:57

Usage: mmg3d_O3 [-v [n]] [opts..] filein [fileout]

** Generic options
-h        Print this message
-v [n]    Tune level of verbosity, [-1..10]
-m [n]    Set maximal memory size to n Mbytes
-d        Turn on debug mode
-val      Print the default parameters values
-default  Save a local parameters file for default parameters values

**  File specifications
-in  file  input triangulation
-out file  output triangulation
-sol file  load solution or metric file
-met file  load metric file

**  Mode specifications (mesh adaptation by default)
-ls  val     create mesh of isovalue val (0 if no argument provided)

**  Parameters
-A           enable anisotropy (without metric file).
-ar     val  angle detection
-nr          no angle detection
-hausd  val  control Hausdorff distance
-hgrad  val  control gradation
-hmax   val  maximal mesh size
-hmin   val  minimal mesh size
-hsiz   val  constant mesh size
-opnbdy      preserve input triangles at the interface of two domains of the same reference.
-rmc   [val] enable the removal of componants whose volume fraction is less than
             val (1e-5 if not given) of the mesh volume (ls mode).
-octree val  specify the max number of points per octree cell 
-rn [n]      turn on or off the renumbering using SCOTCH [1/0] 

-nofem       do not force Mmg to create a finite element mesh 
-nosurf      no surface modifications

-noinsert    no point insertion/deletion 
-nomove      no point relocation
-noswap      no edge or face flipping
-nreg        normal regul.
-nsd    val  save the subdomain number val (0==all subdomain)
-optim       mesh optimization
-optimLES    enable skewness improvement (for LES computations)

**  Parameters for advanced users
-nosizreq       disable setting of required edge sizes over required vertices.
-hgradreq  val  control gradation from required entities toward others


The full documentation can be found here.