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If you want to connect to the cluster from a windows computer, you can use your favorite ssh client (mobaXterm OpenSSH, WinSCP) on Windows-Computers or the command line on Linux-computers.

Connect to CARL/EDDY using MobaXterm

"MobaXterm" is the recommend way to connect to the cluster. The following lines will describe the basic usage of the program.

The newest version of MobaXterm can always be found here: Download

After downloading and installing you are ready to use the program. Once you opened it, click on "Session" in the top left corner. Fill in the following informations:


As always, replace "abcd1234" with your own username. There are many settings that can be modified, for this example we will not change them though. Confirm by clicking on "OK". A new tab will open and you will be prompted to enter your password.


After typing it in and confirming it with ENTER you are succesfully connected to the cluster.

You will probably immediatly see a big difference to other simply ssh clients: you can easily browse through the folders on the clusters without using the command line. The sidebar will look like this:


You can even drag&drop files on the cluster with this sidebar, which makes handling files very easy.

Connect to CARL/EDDY using PuTTY

We recommend to use "mobaXterm" since it offers more features and is more user-friendly. Nonetheless its your choise and if you want to use PuTTY you can follow these instructions:

Download the latest version of PuTTY from this link: Download

Enter the url "carl.hpc.uni-oldenburg.de" under the field "Host Name (or IP adress)":


Make sure the Port is set to "22" and the connection type is "SSH". Confirm by pressing the button "Open".

A new windows will popup and you have to type in your username (e.g. "abcd1234):


After you confirmed by pressing ENTER, you will be asked for your password. Type it in and confirm with ENTER again. You are now connected to the cluster.

If you want to connect to EDDY, simply replace "carl" with "eddy" (-> eddy.hpc.uni.oldenburg.de)

If you want to copy files from or on the cluster, you will have to use the program "WinSCP".

Connect to CARL/EDDY using the command line

Users of CARL can connect by typing:

ssh abcd1234@carl.hpc.uni-oldenburg.de

Similarly, users of EDDY login by typing:

ssh abcd1234@eddy.hpc.uni-oldenburg.de


First, you have to establish a VPN tunnel to the University intranet. After that, you can login to CARL or EDDY via ssh as described above. See the following instructions on how to setup the VPN tunnel:


Download the Cisco-VPN-Client from this web site and install it following the instructions of the IT Services.

For the HPC systems, a separate VPN tunnel has been installed, which is only accessible for users of CARL and EDDY. Therefore, you have to configure a new VPN connection using this zipped configuration file. Again, refer to the instructions of the IT services on how to import the PCF-file.

When you start a VPN tunnel by pressing connect, you will be prompted for your university user name and password.


First you may need to install some additional packages. This can be done e.g. with the command:

sudo apt-get install network-manager network-manager-gnome network-manager-vpnc vpnc

You will be prompted for the password on your local machine. If you are using KDE install network-manager-kde instead of the -gnome one.

To setup the network connection, download the zipped configuration file and unpack it. Then start from the Applications menu System Tools->Preferences->Network Connections. Select the VPN tab and import the PCF file from above. Complete the setup by entering your university user name and save.

To connect click on the network status (upper left of your desktop) and select the VPN connection. You will be prompted for your university password.