Installing & Licensing FDTD-Solutions / Lumerical
Download archive
The easyconfig file of FDTD-Solutions needs a manually downloaded archive for which we need the corresponding login data.
Installing Lumerical
Lumerical has its own EasyBlock, which we built on our own. It can be found within the standard path for the .eb-files or at the folder ~/Easyblocks.
Also, Lumerical constantly changes the de-tarred folders, which is why the Easyblock could fail when new versions are being released.
Register software
After installing FDTD-Solutions, the software needs the path to the license server. For this to be done, we need to open the license manager: /cm/shared/uniol/software/FDTD_Solutions/8.20.1634/opt/lumerical/fdtd/bin/fdtd-config-license
Here, we type in as follows:
port: 27000
LUMERICAL licenses itself after installation (by some programmer magic)
Copy Scripts
Additionally, three files have to be copied from /cm/shared/uniol/scripts/FDTD_Solutions to the install dir: bin/ bin/ templates/
Since version 8.22.2025 FDTD-Solutions was rebranded with the name of the software suite Lumerical
This is why and had to be modified and are to be found here:
For Lumerical, we inserted the copying process for the scripts and for the example filed to the EasyScript.