HPC Introduction 03/2018
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Introduction to HPC at the University Oldenburg
This 3-day course is aimed at HPC beginners as well as experienced users who wish to learn about HPC and the use of the local clusters CARL and EDDY. The course will cover the following topics:
- General Introduction to HPC and the Use of CARL and EDDY
- Introduction to the Job Scheduler SLURM
- Programming in an HPC Environment
- Introduction to Parallel Programming (MPI, OpenMP, OpenACC)
- Introduction to Matlab Distributed Compute Server (MDCS)
The course will consist of lectures and hands-on practical part. Special topics may be covered if requested.
Date, Time and Registration
The course will be held by Stefan Harfst and Wilke Trei:
- Date: March 19 – 21, 2018
- Time: 10:00 to 17:00
- Room: W1 0-008
The schedule for the course can be found here soon.
We kindly ask you to register for the course in Stud.IP (look for course No. 5.04.1036 in case the link does not work). If you have problems please send us an e-mail.
Lecture Slides and Materials
Day 1 - Monday, March 19th
- Session 1: Introduction to High-Performance Computing (10:15-11:15am)
- lecture slides [pdf]
- Session 2: Basic HPC Clusters Usage (11:30-13:00pm)
- Session 3: HPC Cluster Environment (13:45-17:00pm)
Day 2 - Tuesday, March 20th
- Session 4: Introduction to OpenMP (9:15-10:45am)
- Session 5: Introduction to MPI (13:30-16:45am)