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== Information retrieval after the job has finished ==
== The parallel environment memory issue ==
As pointed out above, after a job has finished one can obtain further information about the resources ''actually'' required by the job by using the <tt>qacct</tt> utility.
As pointed out above, after a job has finished one can obtain further information about the resources ''actually'' required by the job by using the <tt>qacct</tt> utility.
The only thing one has to provide is the Id of the job.  
The only thing one has to provide is the Id of the job.  

Revision as of 16:26, 15 May 2013

A brief introduction to the usage of the HPC facilities, targeted at new and unexperienced HPC users is given below. The introduction is based on various minimal examples that illustrate how to compile serial and parallel programs as well as how to submit and monitor actual jobs using SGE.

A simple serial program

write/compile simple non-parallel program

where and how to compile

how to include libraries

submit/monitor jobs

specifying resources

single jobs

job arrays

basic error-tracking

Using local (scratch) storage for I/O intense serial jobs

Consider a situation where your particular application is rather I/O intense so that the speed of your program suffers from the amount of I/O operations that strain the global file system. Examples might be irregular I/O patterns at a fast pace or an application that has to create, open, close and delete many files. As a remedy in order to overcome such problems you might benefit from using a local scratch disk of an execution host on which your program is actually run. This reduces the amount of network traffic and hence reduces the strain on the global file system. The subsequent example illustrates how to access and use the local storage on a given host for the purpose of storing data during the runtime of the program. In the example, after the program terminates, the output data is copied to the working directory from which the job was submitted from and the local file system on the host is cleaned out. For this matter, consider the examplary C program myExample_tempdir.c

#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  FILE *myFile;

  fprintf(myFile,"Test output to local scratch directory\n");


which, just for arguments (and to fully explain the job submission script below), is contained in the working directory


The program assumes that there is a directory my_data in the current working directory to which the file myData.out with a certain content (here the sequence of characters Test output to local scratch directory) will be written.

In oder to compile the program via the current gcc compiler, you could first set the stage by loading the proper modules, e.g.,

 module clear
 module load sge
 module load gcc/4.7.1

and then compile via

  gcc myExample_tempdir.c -o myExample_tempdir

to yield the binary myExample_tempdir.

At this point bear in mind that we do not want to execute the binary by hand right away! Instead, we would like to leave it to SGE to determine a proper queue instance (guided by the resources we subsequently will specify for the job) on a host with at least one free slot, where the job will be executed. A proper job submission script, here called myProg_tempdir.sge, that takes care of creating the folder my_data needed by the program myExample_tempdir in order to store its output in a temporal directory on the executing host reads


####### which shell to use
#$ -S /bin/bash

####### change to directory where job was submitted from
#$ -cwd

####### maximum walltime of the job (hh:mm:ss)
#$ -l h_rt=0:10:0

####### memory per job slot
#$ -l h_vmem=100M

####### since working with local storage, no need to request disk space

####### name of the job
#$ -N tmpdir_test

####### change current working directory to the local /scratch/<jobId>.<x>.<qInst>
####### directory, available as TMPDIR on the executing host with HOSTNAME

####### write details to <jobName>.o<jobId> output file
echo "TMPDIR   = " $TMPDIR

####### create output directory on executing host (parent folder is TMPDIR)
mkdir my_data

####### run program

####### copy the output to the directory the job was submitted from
cp -a ./my_data $HOME/wmwr/my_examples/tempdir/

Note that in the above job submission script there is no need to request disk space by setting the resource h_fsize since we are working with local storage provided by the execution host. Submitting the script via

 qsub myProg_tempdir.sge

enqueues the respective job, here having jobId 703914. After successful termination of the job, the folder my_data is moved to the working directory from which the job was originally submitted from. Also, the two job status files tmpdir_test.e703914 and tmpdir_test.o703914 where created that might contain further details associated with the job. The latter file should contain the name of the host on which the job actually ran and the name of the temporal directory. And indeed, cat tmpdir_test.o703914 reveals the file content

 HOSTNAME =  mpcs001
 TMPDIR   =  /scratch/703914.1.mpc_std_shrt.q

Further, the file my_data/myData.out contains the line

 Test output to local scratch directory

as expected. Note that the temporary directory $TMPDIR (here: /scratch/703914.1.mpc_std_shrt.q) on the execution host (here: mpcs001) is automatically cleaned out. Finally, note that since $TMPDIR is created on a single host, the procedure outlined above works well only if your application runs on a single host. I.e., it is feasible for jobs that either request only a single slot (i.e. non-parallel jobs) or for parallel jobs for which all requested slots fit onto the same host (however, due to the "fill up" allocation rule obeyed by SGE, this cannot be guaranteed in general).

A simple parallel program

In order to illustrate how to compile, submit and monitor a basic parallel C program that uses the Message Passing Interface (MPI), consider the following code contained in the file myHelloWorld_mpi.c:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <mpi.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

  int numprocs, rank, namelen;
  char processor_name[MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME];

  MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
  MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &numprocs);
  MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
  MPI_Get_processor_name(processor_name, &namelen);

  printf("Process %d (out of %d) on host %s\n",rank, numprocs, processor_name);


To sum it up: if the program is compiled, requested to use a number of, say, M slots and finally runs, each process writes out a certain statement that specifies its rank and the name of its execution host to the standard out-stream.

Note that, in order to compile and submit the program, you might use one out of a variety of parallel environments (PEs). You can get an overview of all possible PEs by typing

 qconf -spl

which, however, is not listed here. Out of the many possible choices (some of them fit rather special needs for certain applications which a typical HPC user does not even have to worry about) we will subsequently consider the PEs openmpi and impi in more detail.

Example using the openmpi parallel environment

So as to use the openmpi parallel environment, you need to load the proper modules prior to compiling the above program (see here). To see which openmpi-modules are available you might type module avail openmpi, yielding

------------------- /cm/shared/modulefiles --------------------

Subsequently we will use openmpi version 1.6.2, built with gcc version 4.7.1.

Compiling the program

To load the proper modules you might type:

 module unload gcc
 module load gcc/4.7.1
 module load openmpi/1.6.2/gcc/64/4.7.1

Note that it might be necessary to unload other modules that result in a conflict, first! More information on module details and possible conflicts can be found by typing, e.g.,

 module show openmpi/1.6.2/gcc/64/4.7.1

Also, a list of all currently loaded modules is available by typing

 module list

Once the proper modules are loaded you might proceed to compile the program via

 mpicc myHelloWorld_mpi.c -o myHelloWorld_openMpi

You might first check whether mpicc indeed refers to the desired compiler by typing which mpicc, which in this case yields


so everything is fine and the stage is properly set!

Submitting the program

In order to submit the job via SGE, specifying a parallel environment (PE) that fits your choice (here: openMpi), you might use the following job submission script, called myProg_openMpi.sge:


####### which shell to use
#$ -S /bin/bash

####### change to directory where job was submitted from
#$ -cwd

####### maximum walltime of the job (hh:mm:ss)
#$ -l h_rt=0:10:0

####### memory per job slot
#$ -l h_vmem=1000M

####### disk space
#$ -l h_fsize=1G

####### which parallel environment to use, and number of slots
#$ -pe openmpi 13

####### enable resource reservation (to prevent starving of parallel jobs)
#$ -R y

####### name of the job
#$ -N openMpi_test

module unload gcc
module load gcc/4.7.1
module load openmpi/1.6.2/gcc/64/4.7.1

mpirun --mca btl ^openib,ofud -machinefile $TMPDIR/machines -n $NSLOTS ./myHelloWorld_openMpi

Most of the resource allocation statements should look familiar to you (if not, see here). However, note that a few of them are required to ensure a proper submission of parallel jobs. E.g., you need to take care to use the proper PE: in the job submission script this is done by means of the statement

 #$ -pe <parallel_environment> <num_slots>

wherein <parallel_environment> refers to the type of PE that fits your application and where <num_slots> specifies the number of desired slots for the parallel job. Here we decided to use openMpi, hence, the proper PE in reads openmpi. Further, in the above example a number of 13 slots is requested.

Now, typing

 qsub myProg_openMpi.sge

ensues the job, assigning the jobId 704398 in my case.

Checking the status of the job

Once the job starts to run, it is possible to infer from which hosts the 13 requested slots are accumulated by typing qstat -g t, which in my case yields

job-ID  prior   name       user         state submit/start at     queue                  master ja-task-ID 
 704398 0.50735 openMpi_te alxo9476     r     05/15/2013 09:54:23 mpc_std_shrt.q@mpcs002 MASTER        
                                                                  mpc_std_shrt.q@mpcs002 SLAVE         
                                                                  mpc_std_shrt.q@mpcs002 SLAVE         
 704398 0.50735 openMpi_te alxo9476     r     05/15/2013 09:54:23 mpc_std_shrt.q@mpcs004 SLAVE         
                                                                  mpc_std_shrt.q@mpcs004 SLAVE         
                                                                  mpc_std_shrt.q@mpcs004 SLAVE         
                                                                  mpc_std_shrt.q@mpcs004 SLAVE         
                                                                  mpc_std_shrt.q@mpcs004 SLAVE         
 704398 0.50735 openMpi_te alxo9476     r     05/15/2013 09:54:23 mpc_std_shrt.q@mpcs006 SLAVE         
                                                                  mpc_std_shrt.q@mpcs006 SLAVE         
 704398 0.50735 openMpi_te alxo9476     r     05/15/2013 09:54:23 mpc_std_shrt.q@mpcs008 SLAVE         
                                                                  mpc_std_shrt.q@mpcs008 SLAVE         
                                                                  mpc_std_shrt.q@mpcs008 SLAVE         
                                                                  mpc_std_shrt.q@mpcs008 SLAVE   

Meanwhile the job has terminated successfully, there where 4 files created: openMpi_test.e704398, openMpi_test.o704398, openMpi_test.pe704398 and openMpi_test.po704398. In detail they contain:

  • openMpi_test.po704398: the hostfile for the job which can be found in the spool directory for the MASTER process (which in this case is mpcs002), reading
-catch_rsh /cm/shared/apps/sge/current/default/spool/mpcs002/active_jobs/704398.1/pe_hostfile
  • openMpi_test.pe704398: nothing (which is good!)
  • openMpi_test.o704398: the (expected) program output, reading
Process 7 (out of 13) on host mpcs006
Process 8 (out of 13) on host mpcs006
Process 6 (out of 13) on host mpcs004
Process 3 (out of 13) on host mpcs004
Process 5 (out of 13) on host mpcs004
Process 2 (out of 13) on host mpcs004
Process 4 (out of 13) on host mpcs004
Process 10 (out of 13) on host mpcs008
Process 12 (out of 13) on host mpcs008
Process 9 (out of 13) on host mpcs008
Process 11 (out of 13) on host mpcs008
Process 1 (out of 13) on host mpcs002
Process 0 (out of 13) on host mpcs002
  • openMpi_test.e704398: if there are N hosts involved to run your application (here: N=4), there should be N-1 harmless error messages (each consisting of two lines) of the form
bash: module: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
bash: error importing function definition for `module'
bash: module: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
bash: error importing function definition for `module'
bash: module: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
bash: error importing function definition for `module'

This is a harmless, well known and documented error for the SGE version (6.2u5) used on the local HPC facilities (see here) which you might safely ignore.

Example using the impi parallel environment

So as to use the impi parallel environment, you need to load the proper modules prior to compiling the above program (see here). To see which intel mpi modules are available you might type module avail intel/impi, yielding

------------------- /cm/shared/modulefiles --------------------
intel/impi/32/ intel/impi/
intel/impi/32/ intel/impi/64/
intel/impi/ intel/impi/64/  

Subsequently we will use the 64-bit intel Mpi library with the environment as specified by the module intel/impi/64/

Compiling the program

To load the proper modules you might type:

 module unload gcc
 module unload openmpi
 module load intel/impi/64/

Note that it might be necessary to unload other modules that result in a conflict, first! More information on module details and possible conflicts can be found by typing, e.g.,

 module show intel/impi/64/

Also, a list of all currently loaded modules is available by typing

 module list

Once the proper modules are loaded you might proceed to compile the program via

 mpicc myHelloWorld_mpi.c -o myHelloWorld_intelMpi

You might first check whether mpicc indeed refers to the desired compiler by typing which mpicc, which in this case yields


so everything is fine and the stage is properly set!

Submitting the program

In order to submit the job via SGE, specifying a parallel environment (PE) that fits your choice (here: impi), you might use the following job submission script, called myProg_intelMpi.sge:


####### which shell to use
#$ -S /bin/bash

####### change to directory where job was submitted from
#$ -cwd

####### maximum walltime of the job (hh:mm:ss)
#$ -l h_rt=0:10:0

####### memory per job slot
#$ -l h_vmem=1000M

####### disk space
#$ -l h_fsize=1G

####### which parallel environment to use, and number of slots
#$ -pe impi 13

####### enable resource reservation (to prevent starving of parallel jobs)
#$ -R y

####### name of the job
#$ -N intelMpi_test

module unload gcc
module unload openmpi
module load intel/impi/64/

mpirun -machinefile $TMPDIR/machines -n $NSLOTS ./myHelloWorld_impi

Most of the resource allocation statements should look familiar to you (if not, see here). However, note that a few of them are required to ensure a proper submission of parallel jobs. E.g., you need to take care to use the proper PE: in the job submission script this is done by means of the statement

 #$ -pe <parallel_environment> <num_slots>

wherein <parallel_environment> refers to the type of PE that fits your application and where <num_slots> specifies the number of desired slots for the parallel job. Here we decided to use impi, hence, the proper PE in reads impi. Further, in the above example a number of 13 slots is requested.

Now, typing

 qsub myProg_intelMpi.sge

ensues the job, assigning the jobId 704648 in my case.

The parallel environment memory issue

As pointed out above, after a job has finished one can obtain further information about the resources actually required by the job by using the qacct utility. The only thing one has to provide is the Id of the job. To point out one specific issue of using PEs (in particular on HERO), reconsider the openmpi example above. In that example, the jobId provided by SGE was 704398. Typing qacct -j 704398 yields a list of resources actually used by the application:

qname        mpc_std_shrt.q      
hostname     mpcs002.mpinet.cluster
group        ifp                 
owner        alxo9476            
project      NONE                
department   defaultdepartment   
jobname      openMpi_test        
jobnumber    704398              
taskid       undefined
account      sge                 
priority     0                   
qsub_time    Wed May 15 09:53:55 2013
start_time   Wed May 15 09:54:24 2013
end_time     Wed May 15 09:54:36 2013
granted_pe   openmpi             
slots        13                  
failed       0    
exit_status  0                   
ru_wallclock 12           
ru_utime     0.602        
ru_stime     0.459        
ru_maxrss    20976               
ru_ixrss     0                   
ru_ismrss    0                   
ru_idrss     0                   
ru_isrss     0                   
ru_minflt    51650               
ru_majflt    523                 
ru_nswap     0                   
ru_inblock   0                   
ru_oublock   0                   
ru_msgsnd    0                   
ru_msgrcv    0                   
ru_nsignals  0                   
ru_nvcsw     14798               
ru_nivcsw    1347                
cpu          1.061        
mem          0.030             
io           0.002             
iow          0.000             
maxvmem      775.348M
arid         undefined

Consider the value of maxvmem used by the job. On the first sight this seems a bit odd, given that the application was a simple "hello world" program! However, if the processes that belong to a job (here: 13 processes) are distributed over several hosts (here: 4 hosts), the MASTER process has to handle all the SLAVE processes. Therefore it has to set up and maintain a connection to all the remote hosts which definitely costs some memory (easily 150 to 200M per host). However, note that these memory requirements accumulate for the MASTER process only, the SLAVE processes need less memory. Therefore, if one submits a large parallel job which might be executed on several hosts one has to make sure that the MASTER process does not run out of resources, therefore one has to allocate sufficient memory. Otherwise the job will be killed.