HPC Introduction 03/2022
Introduction to HPC at the University Oldenburg
Due to the anti-Corona measures, the course will be given online in a web conference. See Video Conference below.
This 3-day course is aimed at HPC beginners as well as experienced users who wish to learn about HPC and the use of the local clusters CARL and EDDY. The course will cover the following topics:
- General Introduction to HPC and the use of CARL and EDDY
- Introduction to the Job Scheduler SLURM
- Programming in an HPC Environment
- Introduction to Parallel Programming (MPI, OpenMP, OpenACC)
- Introduction to Matlab Distributed Compute Server (MDCS)
The course will consist of lectures and hands-on practical parts. Special topics may be covered if requested.
Date, Time and Registration
The course will be held by Stefan Harfst and Wilke Trei:
- Date: March 14 – 16, 2022
- Time: 10:00 to 17:00
- Room: online, Meeting in Stud.IP
The schedule for the course can be found here.
We kindly ask you to register for the course in Stud.IP (look for course No. 5.WR.1036 in case the link does not work). If you have problems please send us an e-mail.
Web Conference
This time, the course is given in the form of a web conference again. If you want to participate, you should make the following preparations":
- sign up for the course as mentioned above
- if you do not have one yet, request an HPC account (if you have problems contact Scientific Computing)
- have a computer connected to the internet available during the time of the course
- you also need speakers or headphones, a microphone is not needed (if you have one, please use headphones to avoid feedback loops). A webcam should not be used as it takes up too much bandwidth.
- your computer should also be able to connect to the HPC cluster, for this you need to install and use the GlobalProtect client to establish a VPN.
- on Windows computers use MobaXterm to login to the cluster, Linux and Mac users can use ssh in a terminal
On Monday, a little before the course starts at 10:15 am, go to the course page in Stud.IP, select the Meetings tab and join the web conference (or use the link before). In the web conference, we will show slides and use audio for the lecturers, you can ask questions in the text chat or wit audio.