FLUKA 2016

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Details about the purpose of FLUKA can be found on the official web page which states:

FLUKA is a fully integrated particle physics MonteCarlo simulation package. It has many applications in high energy experimental physics and engineering, shielding, detector and telescope design, cosmic ray studies, dosimetry, medical physics and radio-biology.

Manuals about the usage of FLUKA can be found there as well, there is also an active mailing list to ask questions.

Please note that the FLUKA user license allows the free usage of FLUKA for non-commericial scientific research. By using FLUKA on the cluster you accept the user license.

Installed version

These versions are installed and and currently available ...

... on envirnoment hpc-uniol-env:

  • fluka/2021.2-Singularity

... on environment hpc-env/6.4:

  • fluka/2021.2-Singularity

... on environment hpc-env/8.3:

  • fluka/2021.2-Singularity


If you want to find out more about Fluka on the HPC cluster, you can use the command

module spider fluka

This will show you basic informations e.g. a short description and the currently installed version. To load the module, use the command

module load hpc-env/8.1
module load fluka

There will most likely never be multiple versions of fluka installed, so you dont have to add the version to the load command. Always remember: this command is case sensitive!

Using FLUKA with the HPC cluster

Since there many people working with the HPC cluster, its important that everyone has an equal chance to do so. Therefore, every job should be processed by SLURM.

For this reason, you have to create a jobscript for your tasks.


#SBATCH --ntasks=1                  
#SBATCH --mem=2G 
#SBATCH --partition=carl.p                 
#SBATCH --time=0-2:00  
#SBATCH --job-name FLUKA-TEST              
#SBATCH --output=fluka-test.%j.out        
#SBATCH --error=fluka-test.%j.err

#load fluka
module load fluka

#change these settings to fit your files and needs
INPUTFILE=example   # without .inp  

#run fluka code

Save the jobscript as e.g. "flukatest.job". The example input file has to be in the same folder as the jobscript. If you havent copied the file yet, you can do it with the following commands:

cp $FLUPRO/example.inp .

If your jobscript and the example file are ready, you can submit your job with the command

sbatch -p carl.p flukatest.job (if you named you jobscript differently, add the right jobname here)

After the job has finished, you will find a number of new files in the directory where you submitted your job.


The manual is provided as an pdf-file. You can find this file here.