Singularity 2016
Singularity is a portable application stack packaging and runtime utility. With Singularity, you can provide whole working environments and install the OS, and software you need to use within a container. In the best case, "this means that you don’t have to ask your cluster admin to install anything for you - you can put it in a Singularity container and run."[¹]
Installed version
The currently installed version is available on environment hpc-env/6.4
Singularity/2.5.2-GCCcore-6.4.0 Singularity/2.6.1-GCCcore-6.4.0 (D)
Using Singularity
Singularity can be a very powerful tool to create containers with your favoured OS environment, and all the tools you need - completely without help or permission of the HPC administrators. Since you need root permissions to build your own containers, you will need to prepare them on your local device. In the following chapters, we will show you exemplarily how to create your own containers, fill them with the software you need, and how to use them to start your computations. But first, Singularity must be installed on a local system.
In our example, we use CentOS 7. For other distributions, the procedure should be similar, but some steps might slightly differ, especially the needed dependencies for the installation.
To install Singularity on your system, you need to install at least two dependencies , clone the GitHub repository and perform confingure/make/make install. To make this as simple as possible, open a terminal, and copy-paste this lines:
cd ~ && mkdir singularity_install && cd singularity_install sudo yum -y install libarchive-devel squashfs-tools git clone cd singularity git fetch --all git checkout 2.6.1 ./ ./configure --prefix=/usr/local make sudo make install
Now, Singularity should be installed on your system. Just to be sure, check the version of the newly installed software:
singularity --version
Singularity should display the installed version.
Should this be the case, you can remove the folder containing the source files we originally needed for the installation (~/singularity_install).
Creating Containers
There are three ways to create containers which will be discussed:
- A) Downloading solely OS containers and manually adding software packets
- B) Creating installation scripts, including OS and post-install commands
- C) Searching for 'off-the-shelf scripts' from Singularitys repository
Below we will briefly cover each of the methods mentioned.
A) Download and modify
Always remember: The following commands must be executed on your own local machine!
To download an image only containing CentOS, type in the following command:
$ sudo singularity build --sandbox centos7.img/ docker://centos:7
This will create a directory centos7.img on your local computer which contains a basic Linux installation and can be modified to your needs.
As you can see, with docker://centos:, we used a docker image from the Docker hub. A lot of distributions, like Fedora, Ubuntu, Debian, etc.´, are available that way.
Now, you can start a shell within the container environment and install the packets you need:
$ sudo singularity shell --writable centos7.img # # Now, every shell command will be executed within the container centos.img (idicated by the prompt changing from $ to #) # yum update -y # yum install vim -y # # To escape from the container shell, type in: # exit
In this example, we switched to the containers shell, did some updates, installed the text editor vim, and finally exited from the containers shell with exit. As you probably noticed, the commands within the container are executed as root because we ran Singularity with sudo.
When you finished modifying the image, create a read-only image file for the productive use (which additionally makes is very space efficient):
sudo singularity build centos7.simg centos7.img/
Singularity will automatically bind your $HOME directory so that you can enter your files from within the container. If you need other paths to be connected to your container, you can can do this with the --bind command:
singularity shell --bind $WORK centos7.simg
B) Working with your own recipe (Bootstrapping)
By creating a personal recipe (also called definition file = .def), you have the advantages of creating your personal environment, choosing the OS, and installing the software that fits your needs perfectly. When the recipe is created, a new container can be bootstrapped with one single command at any time.
Start by creating a script file, e.g. with the vim editor...
vim my_container.def
... and fill it with the settings you prefer. You can comment out with #, so that you can remember the purpose of every line, if you want to store the recipe file for some time.
# Chose an OS, preferably from the official docker images Bootstrap: docker From: centos:latest # Set environment variables %environment PATH=new/directory:$PATH # Set labels %labels AUTHOR Monika Testuser,
# Run post-install commands. Use them just like you would do within the targeted operating system %post yum -y update && yum -y install wget vim # Copy files into the container. %files source/path/to/file.txt target/path/to/file.txt
After saving and closing the file, you start the installation with:
sudo singularity build --sandbox my_container.img my_container.def
Since we used the argument --sandbox, we can modify the newly built image afterwards like shown on A)
sudo singularity shell --writable my_container.img touch testfile.txt yum -y install vim exit
Like in A), create a read-only image file when you finished modifying the image:
sudo singularity build my_container.simg my_container.img
C) Use an 'off-the-shelf' image
On the Singularity Hub, you have access to a lot of pre-puilt images and the corresponting recipes.
Here, we have two options: A) Downloading the complete image files or B) downloading the corresponding recipe. For downloading the ready-to-use image, Singularity has a pull function.
# Pulling a tensorflow image from the singularity hub: singularity pull shub://marcc-hpc/tensorflow
This command will download a read-only image file. You use it to start calculations but to change or modify it, you would have to change the image structure. Should you need to do any changes, consider using the recipe. On the project site of tensorflow (for example), you can download the recipe for the container image. When downloaded, the recipe can be extended by any desired argument and be build as --writable or --sandbox if any further changes are desired.
Like in A) and B, finalize your image into a .simg file when you are done modifying.
sudo singularity build my_container.simg my_container.img
Transferring your Container to CARL/ERLE and start working
If your container is ready for computing and finalized by building into a .simg file, you will probably want to transfer it to the cluster (CARL or EDDIE). For this task, we can use the tool scp, which should be pre installed on every common linux distribution. The usage is very straightforward:
scp <container_file> abcd1234> # Where abcd1234 is your domain user name.
Now you can login to CARL, load the Singularity module, and start using your container:
ssh abcd1234 module load hpc-env/6.4 module load Singularity
At Putting in Practice, we show exemplarily, how using a container could look like.
Putting in Practice
Now, we will show you how to use Singularity from the first step to the last command.
Let's say, we want to convert a video file into a different type: flv to mp4, because flv files can't be handled by many video players.
We already stored our jellyfish clip in our HPCs Download directory:
#on CARL/ERLE: cd ~/Downloads wget
We choose HandBrakeCLI as our converting tool. Since converting files can be very compute intensive, we decide to use the HPC Cluster. The only problem is, that HandBrakeCLI is not available as a loadable module. This is where Singularity comes in handy.
After we installed Singularity, we are ready to go:
On our local machine, we create an image by writing a definition file with vim HandBrake.def...
Bootstrap: docker From: ubuntu:latest %post # install dependencies apt-get -y update apt-get -y install autoconf automake build-essential cmake git libass-dev libbz2-dev libfontconfig1-dev libfreetype6-dev libfribidi-dev libharfbuzz-dev libjansson-dev liblzma-dev libmp3lame-dev libogg-dev libopus-dev libsamplerate-dev libspeex-dev libtheora-dev libtool libtool-bin libvorbis-dev libx264-dev libxml2-dev libvpx-dev m4 make nasm patch pkg-config python tar yasm zlib1g-dev libdrm-dev # pull source files, make & install HandBrakeCLI & delete the install-dir mkdir /handbrake-install cd /handbrake-install git clone && cd HandBrake ./configure --launch-jobs=$(nproc) --launch --disable-gtk make --directory=build install cd / rm -rf /handbrake-install
... and build the image with this recipe:
sudo singularity build HandBrake.simg HandBrake.def
--> Since we did not need to modify anything after the building process, we skipped --sandbox and directly created a .simg file!
Let's transfer the new image to our cluster:
scp HandBrake.simg abcd1234>
At last, we can actually work with our new image.
On our local system, we would just call an exec command to HandBrakeCLI in the container:
singularity exec HandBrake.simg HandBrakeCLI -i ~/Downloads/jellyfish-25-mbps-hd-hevc.flv -o ~/Downloads/jellyfish-25-mbps-hd-hevc.mp4 #For better understanding: after singularity exec, every command and argument is transferred #into the container. If HandBrakeCLI had been installed on our system, it would have been ignored anyway.
But since we work on the cluster, we will create a job to use the SLURM queuing system. First, we create a job file with vim...
vim HandBrake.job
... and then we will fill it with sbatch arguments and the actual commands we want it to get done:
#!/bin/bash #SBATCH --nodes=1 #SBATCH --ntasks=1 #SBATCH --mem=2G #SBATCH --time=0-1:00 #SBATCH --output=slurm.%j.out #SBATCH --error=slurm.%j.err #SBATCH --mail-type=END,FAIL #SBATCH # Load the modules we need: module load hpc-env/6.4 module load Singularity/2.6.1-GCCcore-6.4.0 # Actually work with the singularity container: singularity exec HandBrake.simg HandBrakeCLI -i ~/Downloads/jellyfish-25-mbps-hd-hevc.flv -o ~/Downloads/jellyfish-25-mbps-hd-hevc.mp4
Afterwards, we submit the job:
sbatch -p carl.p HandBrake.job
In this example, we reserved one hour on one node on the carl.p partition, which should be more than enough for this simple task. For more Information about our SLURM system and the corresponding options, visit our page about SLURM
But that's it! We used the exec command to call the containerized HandBrakeCLI and processed the file outside of the container.
This is possible, since Singularity automatically binds your $HOME path. And now, our beloved clip of jellyfish is watchable on nearly every video player (even if this should not be the main purpose of our HPC cluster (; ).
sudo: singularity: command not found
If this error occurs on your local machine, sudo may be missing a path to Singularitys installation directory. With sudo visodu this can be changed by adding the path to a specific line:
Just add :/usr/local/bin to the line containing secure_path so it looks like this: Defaults secure_path = /sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin
For further information developers offer a detailed website with further information, and a Quick Stard Guide.