Anaconda 2016
Conda is an open source package management system and environment management which can quickly install, run and update packages and their dependencies (see also Conda is maintained by Continuum Analytics. Conda lets you find and install packages. You can use Anaconda to quickly install software in your $HOME-directory in case it is not installed already (i.e. you need a specific version).
Installed Version
Anaconda3/4.3.0 (based on conda/4.3.8)
Using Anaconda
Creating Environments and Installing Packages
To keep your programs isolated, you should create separate environments for each application. It is not advisable to put programs into your base environment, which is the default one named 'base'.
To create a new environment and install a package, type in
conda create --name <environment_name> <package_name>
Subsequent, you must activate the new environment by typing:
source activate <environment_name>
From now on, every conda command will only affect the activated environment until it gets deactivated again.
source deactivate <environment_name>
To see a list of all your environments, type:
conda info --envs
The active environment is marked with an asterisk (*).
Different Versions
When you create a new environment, conda installs the same Python version which had been installed when Anaconda was installed. If you want to use a different version, you can create a new environment and specify the version of Python that you want. E.g.:
conda create --name <environment_name> python=3.5
In this example, Python should show 3.5 as the installed version:
python --version
Finding and Installing Software
If you want to find out whether you have a specific package installed, or if so, which version is installed, you can do this using the search function within the individual environments. Just type in
conda search <package_name>
and you will get a list of all the applying packages available from the Anaconda repository. If there is an asterisk in front of one of the displayed version numbers, this indicates that this version is already installed. To install one of the shown packages, just type in
conda install <package_name>
If you just want to get a short list of every single installed program in the environment, type in
conda list