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The following steps are needed to install the Intel Cluster Studio (or Parallel Studio XE) with the aim to get the Intel toolchain (compilers, MPI, MKL):
- Identify the version of the toolchain (e.g. 2018a) and the corresponding Intel version (e.g. 2018.1.163)
- Select the version of GCCcore you want to use, e.g 6.4.0. Stay close to the GCC version the eb-files for Intel Compilers request (unless you have good reasons to change).
- Copy the eb-files for this version to a directory in InstallationPackages/<GCCver>/TOOLCHAINS/intel. You need eb-files for icc and ifort (compilers), iccifort (compiler toolchain), impi (MPI) and iimpi (toolchain), imkl (numlib) and the final toolchain intel-<version>
- Download the sources from Intel Developer page (see License Page), download four individual files for C/C++ and Fortran compilers, MPI and MKL. Names