Installed Application Software and Libraries
From HPC users
This page was created to give you an overview of the installed software on the cluster. The list will be updated once per week.
- cluster-tools/7.3
- cmd
- dot
- freeipmi/1.5.2
- gcc/6.1.0
- ipmitool/1.8.17
- module-git
- module-info
- openldap
- shared
- hpc-uniol-env (L)
- slurm/current (L)
- BCFtools/1.3.1
- bcl2fastq2/
- BEDTools/2.26.0
- BLAST/2.2.26
- BLAST/2.6.0 (D)
- BLAT/3.5
- BamTools/2.4.0
- Beast/2.4.5
- BioPerl/1.7.0
- Biopython/1.68
- Bowtie/1.1.2
- Bowtie2/2.2.9
- bwa.kit/0.7.12
- CD-HIT/4.6.4
- cutadapt/1.9.1
- FASTX-Toolkit/0.0.14
- FastQC/0.11.5
- IGV/2.3.80
- IGVTools/2.3.75
- Lighter/1.0
- Lumpy/0.1
- NextGenMap/0.5.2
- SAMtools/1.3.1
- SOAPdenovo2/r240
- Stacks/1.42
- Trinity/2.2.0
- VCFtools/0.1.14
- ViennaRNA/2.3.1
- ESMF/7.0.0
- GMT/5.3.1
- OpenFOAM/1.7.1
- OpenFOAM/2.1.1
- OpenFOAM/2.3.1
- OpenFOAM/2.4.0
- OpenFOAM/3.0.1
- OpenFOAM/4.0
- OpenFOAM/4.1-gcc
- OpenFOAM/4.1-se
- OpenFOAM/4.1 (D)
- OpenFOAM-Extend/3.2
- PALMDependencies/all
- ThetaDependencies/all
- WPS/3.6.1
- WPS/3.7.1
- WPS/3.8.0
- WPS/3.8.1 (D)
- WRF/3.6.1
- WRF/3.7.1
- WRF/3.8.0
- WRF/3.8.1 (D)
- WRFGeodata/all
- WRFGeodata/3.8 (D)
- CP2K/3.0
- ORCA/3.0.3
- ORCA/4.0.0 (D)
- PLUMED/2.2.3
- gaussian/g09.b01
- gaussian/g09.d01 (D)
- CUDA-Toolkit/8.0.44
- GCC/4.9.4-2.25
- GCC/5.4.0-2.26
- GCC/6.2.0-2.27 (D)
- LLVM/3.8.1-goolf-5.2.01
- LLVM/3.8.1-intel-2016b
- LLVM/3.9.0-intel-2016b (D)
- NAG_Fortran/5.2
- PGI/12.10
- PGI/15.10
- PGI/16.10 (D)
- icc/2016.3.210
- ifort/2016.3.210
- CDO/1.7.2-intel-2016b
- HDF/4.2.11-intel-2016b
- HDF5/1.8.17-intel-2016b
- NCL/6.3.0-intel-2016b
- g2clib/1.4.0-intel-2016b
- g2lib/1.4.0-intel-2016b
- grib_api/1.16.0-intel-2016b
- netCDF/4.4.1-intel-2016b
- netCDF-Fortran/4.4.4-intel-2016b
Autotools/20150215 CMake/2.8.12 CUDA-Visual-Profiler/8.0.44 Nvidia-Tesla-GDK/352.79 SQLite/3.9.2-intel-2016b Scalasca/2.3 xbitmaps/1.1.1 Boost/1.61.0-goolf-5.2.01 CMake/3.6.2 (D) Cube/4.3.4 OTF2/2.0 SQLite/3.13.0-goolf-5.2.01 Valgrind/3.12.0 xorg-macros/1.19.0 Boost/1.61.0-intel-2016b (D) CUDA-Profiler/8.0.44 M4/1.4.17 Qt/4.8.7-goolf-5.2.01 SQLite/3.13.0-intel-2016b (D) ncurses/6.0
Anaconda3/4.3.0 Gurobi/7.0.2 Perl/5.20.3 Python/2.7.12 R/3.3.1 Tcl/8.6.4-intel-2016b nodejs/4.4.7-intel-2016b Bison/3.0.4 Java/8.112 Python/2.7.11-intel-2016b Python/3.5.2 (D) ScientificPython/2.9.4-Python-2.7.12 (D) Yasm/1.3.0
CFITSIO/3.410 CUDA-FFT/8.0.44 Xerces-C++/3.1.3 libtool/2.4.6 xforms/1.2.4 zoltan/3.83 CUDA-Blas/8.0.44 SIONlib/1.6.1 libpng/1.6.24 libxml2/2.9.4 testpath/0.3-intel-2016b-Python-3.5.2 zlib/1.2.8
- GMP/6.1.0-intel-2016b
- OpenMPI/1.10.4-GCC-4.9.4
- OpenMPI/2.0.1-GCC-5.4.0
- OpenMPI/2.0.1-GCC-6.2.0
- OpenMPI/2.0.2-GCC-5.4.0-2.26 (D)
- impi/
ATLAS/3.10.2 FFTW/3.3.5-gompi-5.2.01 GSL/2.1 MATLAB/2016b Octave/4.0.3 ScaLAPACK/2.0.2 imkl/ maple/2016 (D) Armadillo/7.500.1 FIAT/1.6.0-intel-2016b-Python-2.7.12 Hypre/2.11.1 MPFR/3.1.4 OpenBLAS/0.2.19 SuiteSparse/4.5.3 leda/6.3 stata/13 Eigen/3.2.9 GMP/6.1.1 (D) LinBox/1.4.0 NTL/9.8.1 Qhull/2015.2 cuDNN/5.1-CUDA-8.0.44 maple/18
- EGSnrc/2017
- Geant4/9.6.p04-intel-2016b
- Geant4/9.6.p04
- Geant4/10.02.p01 (D)
- fluka/2011.2c
- foss/2016b
- gompi/4.1.10
- gompi/5.2.01
- gompi/6.2.01 (D)
- goolf/5.2.01
- iimpi/2013b
- iimpi/2016b (D)
- intel/2013b
- intel/2016b (D)
- EasyBuild/3.0.0
- Ghostscript/9.19-intel-2016b
- NCO/4.6.0-intel-2016b
- XZ/5.2.2-intel-2016b
- configurable-http-proxy/1.3.0-intel-2016b-nodejs-4.4.7
- tree/1.7.0
- util-linux/2.29-intel-2016b
- FFmpeg/3.1.3-intel-2016b
- GraphicsMagick/1.3.25-intel-2016b
- OpenCV/3.1.0-intel-2016b
- ParaView/5.1.2-goolf-5.2.01-mpi
- ParaView/5.1.2-intel-2016b-mpi (D)
- Tk/8.6.4-intel-2016b-no-X11
- UDUNITS/2.2.20-intel-2016b
- gettext/0.19.8
- gnuplot/5.0.5-intel-2016b
- grace/5.1.25
- libX11/1.6.3-intel-2016b
- motif/2.3.6
- ncview/2.1.7-intel-2016b
The list above was created with the command:
module avail
and will is not showing the hidden modules.
If you want to create a list of every available software on the cluster (even the hidden ones), on your own, you can do this by simply using the command:
module spider
The available software is listed in the format: name, version