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STATA comprises a complete software package, offering statistical tools for data analysis, data management and graphics.

Loggin in to the HPC System

Tips on how to login to the HPC System from either within or outside the University can be found here.

Using STATA in batch mode

Using STATA: Single-slot variant

Using STATA: Multi-slot variant

Checking the status of a job

After you submitted a job, the scheduler assigns it a unique job-ID. You might then use the qstat tool in conjunction with the job-ID to check the current status of the respective job. Detail on how to check the status of a job can be found here. In case the job already finished, it is possible to retrieve information about the finished job by using the qacct tool, see here.

Mounting your home directory on Hero

Consider a situation where you would like to transfer a large amount of data to the HPC System in order to analyze it via STATA. Similarly, consider a situation where you would like to transfer lots of already processed data from your HPC account to your local workstation. Then it is useful to mount your home directory on the HPC System in order to conveniently cope with such a task. Details about how to mount your HPC home directory can be found here.