MCScanX 2016
The MCScanX package has two major components: a modified version of MCscan algorithm allowing users to handle MCScan more conveniently and to view multiple alignment of syntenic blocks more clearly, and a variety of downstream analysis tools to conduct different biological analyses based on the synteny data generated by the modified MCScan algorithm. 1
Installed version(s)
The following versions are installed and currently available...
... on environment hpc-env/8.3:
- MCScanX/10.2020-GCCcore-8.3.0
Since MCScanX is not versioned at the software repository our HPC team generated the version number, and it represents the last change made on GitHub (<month>.<year>).
Loading / Using MCScanX
To load the desired version of the module, use the module load command, e.g.
module load hpc-env/8.3 module load MCScanX
Always remember: this command is case sensitive!
MCScanX includes a lot of scripts and some executables which you can print out by this command: ls -l $EBROOTMCSCANX/bin after loading the module. To find out on how to use the MCScanX executable you can just type in MCScanX -h to print out a help text to get you started:
$ MCScanX -h [Usage] MCScanX prefix_fn [options] -k MATCH_SCORE, final score=MATCH_SCORE+NUM_GAPS*GAP_PENALTY (default: 50) -g GAP_PENALTY, gap penalty (default: -1) -s MATCH_SIZE, number of genes required to call a collinear block (default: 5) -e E_VALUE, alignment significance (default: 1e-05) -m MAX_GAPS, maximum gaps allowed (default: 25) -w OVERLAP_WINDOW, maximum distance (# of genes) to collapse BLAST matches (default: 5) -a only builds the pairwise blocks (.collinearity file) -b patterns of collinear blocks. 0:intra- and inter-species (default); 1:intra-species; 2:inter-species -h print this help page
The full documentation can be found here.