NBO 2016
The Natural Bond Orbital (NBO) program NBO 6.0 is a discovery tool for chemical insights from complex wavefunctions. NBO 6.0 is the current version of the broad suite of 'natural' algorithms for optimally expressing numerical solutions of Schrödinger's wave equation in the chemically intuitive language of Lewis-like bonding patterns and associated resonance-type 'donor-acceptor' interactions.
Installed version
NBO is currently installed in version 6.0.
Using NBO as a standalone tool
If you want to use NBO on the HPC Cluster as a standalone tool, you have to load the corresponding module with the command
module load nbo/6.0
In order to use NBO as standalone you need an input file. An example can be obtained with this command (module nbo/6.0 must be loaded):
cp $NBO6DIR/ch3nh2.47 .
This will copy the example input file to your current directory. The example can be run on the login host (as it runs less than a second) with the command:
gennbo ch3nh2
After that, a file named ch4nh2.nbo should appear and it contains the output of the NBO analysis.
Larger problems should of course be submitted to SLURM. A complete job script could look like this:
#!/bin/bash ###SLURM job requirements #SBATCH --nodes=1 #SBATCH --ntasks=1 #SBATCH --mem=2G #SBATCH --time=0-2:00 #SBATCH --output=slurm.%j.out #SBATCH --error=slurm.%j.err ###load the needed modules module load nbo/6.0 ###settings (you will probably need to make your own modifications here) MODEL=ch3nh2 ###Run NBO as standalone gennbo $MODEL
The jobscript can then be submitted by the command
sbatch -p carl.p nbo_example.job
Using NBO together with Gaussian 09
Technical details
By default, the NBO6 distribution is configured to handle up to the following numbers of atoms, basis functions, shells, and exponents:
maximum number of atoms = 500 maximum number of basis functions = 5000 maximum number of basis function shells = 2000 maximum number of basis function exponents = 5000
NBO6 is also configured to use up to 100 MWords of dynamically allocated memory (~760MB).
Please contact Scientific Computing if these limits are too restrictive for your purposes.
The full manual for NBO 6.0 can be found here (PDF-Viewer required).