Intel Compiler

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The Intel Compilers are available as modules for 32bit (depricated) and 64-bit version. New releases are included in the modules of the Intel Cluster Studio (intel/ics). The actual release can be loaded by

 module load intel/ics/2013.5.192/64

The Fortran and C-compilert of the old release 10.1.015 are available in separate modules intel/fc and intel/cc.

Note: The release 2011.0.13 of the Intel Cluster Studio has serveral problems (e.g. when compiling WRF, python,...). It is recommended to use the latest release.

Intel Cluster Studio addons

Within the Intel Cluster Studio several tools and libraries for debugging, profiling and analyzing of program code are included:

  • MKL (Math Kernel Library)
  • VTune
  • Intel Trace Analyzer (now in seperate module intel/itac/
  • Intel Thread Checker
  • Intel Debugger (idb)
  • Thread Building Blocks
  • Intel(R) Advisor Command Line Tool