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The R release contais a lot of additional packages, here is a full list of every currently installed package
The R release contais a lot of additional packages, here is a full list of every currently installed package
abc, abc.data, abind, acepack, adabag, ade4, adegenet, adephylo, ADGofTest, akima, AlgDesign, animation, ape, arm, assertthat, AUC, backports, base64, base64enc, BatchJobs, BB, BBmisc, beanplot, BH, BiasedUrn, bigmemory, bigmemory.sri, bio3d, biom, bit, bitops, bnlearn, bold, bootstrap, brew, brglm, Brobdingnag, calibrate, car, caret, caTools, cgdsr, checkmate, chemometrics, chron, clusterGeneration, clusterRepro, clValid, coda, coin, colorspace, combinat, corpcor, crayon, cubature, curl, cvAUC, d3Network, data.table, DBI, deal, deldir, DEoptimR, deSolve, devtools, DiagrammeR, dichromat, digest, diptest, DiscriMiner, dismo, distillery, diveRsity, doMC, doParallel, doRNG, doSNOW, dplyr, e1071, EasyABC, ellipse, evaluate, expm, expsmooth, extrafont, extrafontdb, extRemes, FactoMineR, fail, fastcluster, fastICA, fastmatch, fdrtool, ff, ffbase, fields, filehash, flashClust, flexclust, flexmix, fma, FNN, foreach, forecast, formatR, Formula, fossil, fpc, fpp, fracdiff, futile.logger, futile.options, gam, amlss.data, gamlss.dist, gbm, gclus, gdalUtils, gdata, geepack, geiger, GeneNet, geometry, getopt, GGally, ggm, ggplot2, ggvis, git2r, glasso, glmnet, gmodels, goftest, gplots, gridBase, gridExtra, GSA, gsalib, gsl, gtable, gtools, highr, Hmisc, htmltools, htmlwidgets, httpuv, httr, huge, hwriter, igraph, infotheo, interpretR, ipred, irace, irlba, Iso, iterators, jpeg, jsonlite, kernlab, klaR, knitr, kohonen, ks, labdsv, labeling, lambda.r, lars, latticeExtra, lava, lavaan, lazy, lazyeval, leaps, LearnBayes, lhs, lme4, Lmoments, lmtest, locfit, logcondens, logistf, logspline, longitudinal,  longmemo, lpSolve, lubridate, magic, magrittr, maps, maptools, markdown, matrixcalc, MatrixModels, matrixStats, maxLik, mboost, mclust, mediation, memoise, mi, mice, mime, minqa, misc3d, miscTools, mixtools, mlbench, mlogit, mlr, mnormt, modeltools, msm, multcomp, multicool, munsell, mvtnorm, ncbit, neuRosim, nleqslv, nloptr, NLP, NMF, nnls, nor1mix, np, numDeriv, openssl, openxlsx, optparse, parallelMap, ParamHelpers, party, pbivnorm, pbkrtest, pcaPP, penalized, permute, phangorn, pheatmap, phylobase, pim, pixmap, pkgmaker, plotrix, pls, plyr, png, polspline, polyclip, polynom, prabclus, pracma, praise, pROC, prodlim, profileModel, proto, pscl, pspline, psych, pvclust, qgraph, quadprog, quantmod, quantreg, R6, randomForest, randomForestSRC, RANN, raster, RCircos, RColorBrewer, Rcpp, RcppArmadillo, RcppEigen, RCurl, registry, rentrez, reshape, reshape2, RGCCA, rgdal, rgl, rJava, rjson, RJSONIO, rlecuyer, rmarkdown, R.matlab, rmeta, R.methodsS3, Rmpi, rms, RMTstat, rncl, RNeXML, rngtools, robustbase, ROCR, R.oo, Rook, rotl, roxygen2, rredlist, RSNNS, RSQLite, rstudioapi, Rttf2pt1, R.utils, rversions, RWeka, RWekajars, sandwich, scales, scatterplot3d, segmented, sem, sendmailR, seqinr, sfsmisc, shape, shapefiles, shiny, slam, sm, sna, snow, snowfall, som, sp, spam, SparseM, spatstat, spdep, stabledist, stabs, statmod, stringi, stringr, strucchange, subplex, SuperLearner, SuppDists, survivalROC, taxize, TeachingDemos, tensor, tensorA, testthat, TH.data, tibble, tidyr, timeDate, tkrplot, tm, TraMineR, tree, trimcluster, tripack, tseries, tseriesChaos, TTR, unbalanced, urca, uuid, vcd, vegan, VennDiagram, VGAM, isNetwork,  waveslim, whisker, withr, xlsx, xlsxjars, XML, xml2, xtable, xts, yaml, zoo
abc, abc.data, abind, acepack, adabag, ade4, adegenet, adephylo, ADGofTest, akima, AlgDesign, animation, ape, arm, assertthat, AUC, backports, base64, base64enc, BatchJobs, BB, BBmisc, beanplot, BH, BiasedUrn, bigmemory, bigmemory.sri, bio3d, biom, bit, bitops, bnlearn, bold, bootstrap, brew, brglm, Brobdingnag, calibrate, car, caret, caTools, cgdsr, checkmate, chemometrics, chron, clusterGeneration, clusterRepro, clValid, coda, coin, colorspace, combinat, corpcor, crayon, cubature, curl, cvAUC, d3Network, data.table, DBI, deal, deldir, DEoptimR, deSolve, devtools, DiagrammeR, dichromat, digest, diptest, DiscriMiner, dismo, distillery, diveRsity, doMC, doParallel, doRNG, doSNOW, dplyr, e1071, EasyABC, ellipse, evaluate, expm, expsmooth, extrafont, extrafontdb, extRemes, FactoMineR, fail, fastcluster, fastICA, fastmatch, fdrtool, ff, ffbase, fields, filehash, flashClust, flexclust, flexmix, fma, FNN, foreach, forecast, formatR, Formula, fossil, fpc, fpp, fracdiff, futile.logger, futile.options, gam, amlss.data, gamlss.dist, gbm, gclus, gdalUtils, gdata, geepack, geiger, GeneNet, geometry, getopt, GGally, ggm, ggplot2, ggvis, git2r, glasso, glmnet, gmodels, goftest, gplots, gridBase, gridExtra, GSA, gsalib, gsl, gtable, gtools, highr, Hmisc, htmltools, htmlwidgets, httpuv, httr, huge, hwriter, igraph, infotheo, interpretR, ipred, irace, irlba, Iso, iterators, jpeg, jsonlite, kernlab, klaR, knitr, kohonen, ks, labdsv, labeling, lambda.r, lars, latticeExtra, lava, lavaan, lazy, lazyeval, leaps, LearnBayes, lhs, lme4, Lmoments, lmtest, locfit, logcondens, logistf, logspline, longitudinal,  longmemo, lpSolve, lubridate, magic, magrittr, maps, maptools, markdown, matrixcalc, MatrixModels, matrixStats, maxLik, mboost, mclust, mediation, memoise, mi, mice, mime, minqa, misc3d, miscTools, mixtools, mlbench, mlogit, mlr, mnormt, modeltools, msm, multcomp, multicool, munsell, mvtnorm, ncbit, neuRosim, nleqslv, nloptr, NLP, NMF, nnls, nor1mix, np, numDeriv, openssl, openxlsx, optparse, parallelMap, ParamHelpers, party, pbivnorm, pbkrtest, pcaPP, penalized, permute, phangorn, pheatmap, phylobase, pim, pixmap, pkgmaker, plotrix, pls, plyr, png, polspline, polyclip, polynom, prabclus, pracma, praise, pROC, prodlim, profileModel, proto, pscl, pspline, psych, pvclust, qgraph, quadprog, quantmod, quantreg, R6, randomForest, randomForestSRC, RANN, raster, RCircos, RColorBrewer, Rcpp, RcppArmadillo, RcppEigen, RCurl, registry, rentrez, reshape, reshape2, RGCCA, rgdal, rgl, rJava, rjson, RJSONIO, rlecuyer, rmarkdown, R.matlab, rmeta, R.methodsS3, Rmpi, rms, RMTstat, rncl, RNeXML, rngtools, robustbase, ROCR, R.oo, Rook, rotl, roxygen2, rredlist, RSNNS, RSQLite, rstudioapi, Rttf2pt1, R.utils, rversions, RWeka, RWekajars, sandwich, scales, scatterplot3d, segmented, sem, sendmailR, seqinr, sfsmisc, shape, shapefiles, shiny, slam, sm, sna, snow, snowfall, som, sp, spam, SparseM, spatstat, spdep, stabledist, stabs, statmod, stringi, stringr, strucchange, subplex, SuperLearner, SuppDists, survivalROC, taxize, TeachingDemos, tensor, tensorA, testthat, TH.data, tibble, tidyr, timeDate, tkrplot, tm, TraMineR, tree, trimcluster, tripack, tseries, tseriesChaos, TTR, unbalanced, urca, uuid, vcd, vegan, VennDiagram, VGAM, isNetwork,  waveslim, whisker, withr, xlsx, xlsxjars, XML, xml2, xtable, xts, yaml, zoo

Revision as of 08:38, 27 March 2017


R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics

Using R on the HPC cluster

If you want to use R on the HPC cluster, you will have to load its module. You can do that by using the command

module load R

Since there is only one version of R installed, you dont need to specify a version. If you use the command

module spider R

you will find more informations about the module.

Installed version

The currently installed version of R is 3.3.1.

Additional installed packages

The R release contais a lot of additional packages, here is a full list of every currently installed package

abc, abc.data, abind, acepack, adabag, ade4, adegenet, adephylo, ADGofTest, akima, AlgDesign, animation, ape, arm, assertthat, AUC, backports, base64, base64enc, BatchJobs, BB, BBmisc, beanplot, BH, BiasedUrn, bigmemory, bigmemory.sri, bio3d, biom, bit, bitops, bnlearn, bold, bootstrap, brew, brglm, Brobdingnag, calibrate, car, caret, caTools, cgdsr, checkmate, chemometrics, chron, clusterGeneration, clusterRepro, clValid, coda, coin, colorspace, combinat, corpcor, crayon, cubature, curl, cvAUC, d3Network, data.table, DBI, deal, deldir, DEoptimR, deSolve, devtools, DiagrammeR, dichromat, digest, diptest, DiscriMiner, dismo, distillery, diveRsity, doMC, doParallel, doRNG, doSNOW, dplyr, e1071, EasyABC, ellipse, evaluate, expm, expsmooth, extrafont, extrafontdb, extRemes, FactoMineR, fail, fastcluster, fastICA, fastmatch, fdrtool, ff, ffbase, fields, filehash, flashClust, flexclust, flexmix, fma, FNN, foreach, forecast, formatR, Formula, fossil, fpc, fpp, fracdiff, futile.logger, futile.options, gam, amlss.data, gamlss.dist, gbm, gclus, gdalUtils, gdata, geepack, geiger, GeneNet, geometry, getopt, GGally, ggm, ggplot2, ggvis, git2r, glasso, glmnet, gmodels, goftest, gplots, gridBase, gridExtra, GSA, gsalib, gsl, gtable, gtools, highr, Hmisc, htmltools, htmlwidgets, httpuv, httr, huge, hwriter, igraph, infotheo, interpretR, ipred, irace, irlba, Iso, iterators, jpeg, jsonlite, kernlab, klaR, knitr, kohonen, ks, labdsv, labeling, lambda.r, lars, latticeExtra, lava, lavaan, lazy, lazyeval, leaps, LearnBayes, lhs, lme4, Lmoments, lmtest, locfit, logcondens, logistf, logspline, longitudinal, longmemo, lpSolve, lubridate, magic, magrittr, maps, maptools, markdown, matrixcalc, MatrixModels, matrixStats, maxLik, mboost, mclust, mediation, memoise, mi, mice, mime, minqa, misc3d, miscTools, mixtools, mlbench, mlogit, mlr, mnormt, modeltools, msm, multcomp, multicool, munsell, mvtnorm, ncbit, neuRosim, nleqslv, nloptr, NLP, NMF, nnls, nor1mix, np, numDeriv, openssl, openxlsx, optparse, parallelMap, ParamHelpers, party, pbivnorm, pbkrtest, pcaPP, penalized, permute, phangorn, pheatmap, phylobase, pim, pixmap, pkgmaker, plotrix, pls, plyr, png, polspline, polyclip, polynom, prabclus, pracma, praise, pROC, prodlim, profileModel, proto, pscl, pspline, psych, pvclust, qgraph, quadprog, quantmod, quantreg, R6, randomForest, randomForestSRC, RANN, raster, RCircos, RColorBrewer, Rcpp, RcppArmadillo, RcppEigen, RCurl, registry, rentrez, reshape, reshape2, RGCCA, rgdal, rgl, rJava, rjson, RJSONIO, rlecuyer, rmarkdown, R.matlab, rmeta, R.methodsS3, Rmpi, rms, RMTstat, rncl, RNeXML, rngtools, robustbase, ROCR, R.oo, Rook, rotl, roxygen2, rredlist, RSNNS, RSQLite, rstudioapi, Rttf2pt1, R.utils, rversions, RWeka, RWekajars, sandwich, scales, scatterplot3d, segmented, sem, sendmailR, seqinr, sfsmisc, shape, shapefiles, shiny, slam, sm, sna, snow, snowfall, som, sp, spam, SparseM, spatstat, spdep, stabledist, stabs, statmod, stringi, stringr, strucchange, subplex, SuperLearner, SuppDists, survivalROC, taxize, TeachingDemos, tensor, tensorA, testthat, TH.data, tibble, tidyr, timeDate, tkrplot, tm, TraMineR, tree, trimcluster, tripack, tseries, tseriesChaos, TTR, unbalanced, urca, uuid, vcd, vegan, VennDiagram, VGAM, isNetwork, waveslim, whisker, withr, xlsx, xlsxjars, XML, xml2, xtable, xts, yaml, zoo


You can look up anything about R on their