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The currently installed version of R is '''3.3.1'''.
The currently installed version of R is '''3.3.1'''.

== Additional installed packages ==
==== Additional installed packages ====
The R release contais a lot of additional packages, here is a full list of every currently installed package
abc, abc.data, abind, acepack, adabag, ade4, adegenet, adephylo, ADGofTest, akima, AlgDesign, animation, ape, arm, assertthat, AUC, backports, base64, base64enc, BatchJobs, BB, BBmisc, beanplot, BH, BiasedUrn, bigmemory, bigmemory.sri, bio3d, biom, bit, bitops, bnlearn, bold, bootstrap, brew, brglm, Brobdingnag, calibrate, car, caret, caTools, cgdsr, checkmate, chemometrics, chron, clusterGeneration, clusterRepro, clValid, coda, coin, colorspace, combinat, corpcor, crayon, cubature, curl, cvAUC, d3Network, data.table, DBI, deal, deldir, DEoptimR, deSolve, devtools, DiagrammeR, dichromat, digest, diptest, DiscriMiner, dismo, distillery, diveRsity, doMC, doParallel, doRNG, doSNOW, dplyr, e1071, EasyABC, ellipse, evaluate, expm, expsmooth, extrafont, extrafontdb, extRemes, FactoMineR, fail, fastcluster, fastICA, fastmatch, fdrtool, ff, ffbase, fields, filehash, flashClust, flexclust, flexmix, fma, FNN, foreach, forecast, formatR, Formula, fossil, fpc, fpp, fracdiff, futile.logger, futile.options, gam, amlss.data, gamlss.dist, gbm, gclus, gdalUtils, gdata, geepack, geiger, GeneNet, geometry, getopt, GGally, ggm, ggplot2, ggvis, git2r, glasso, glmnet, gmodels, goftest, gplots, gridBase, gridExtra, GSA, gsalib, gsl, gtable, gtools, highr, Hmisc, htmltools, htmlwidgets, httpuv, httr, huge, hwriter, igraph, infotheo, interpretR, ipred, irace, irlba, Iso, iterators, jpeg, jsonlite, kernlab, klaR, knitr, kohonen, ks, labdsv, labeling, lambda.r, lars, latticeExtra, lava, lavaan, lazy, lazyeval, leaps, LearnBayes, lhs, lme4, Lmoments, lmtest, locfit, logcondens, logistf, logspline, longitudinal,  longmemo, lpSolve, lubridate, magic, magrittr, maps, maptools, markdown, matrixcalc, MatrixModels, matrixStats, maxLik, mboost, mclust, mediation, memoise, mi, mice, mime, minqa, misc3d, miscTools, mixtools, mlbench, mlogit, mlr, mnormt, modeltools, msm, multcomp, multicool, munsell, mvtnorm, ncbit, neuRosim, nleqslv, nloptr, NLP, NMF, nnls, nor1mix, np, numDeriv, openssl, openxlsx, optparse, parallelMap, ParamHelpers, party, pbivnorm, pbkrtest, pcaPP, penalized, permute, phangorn, pheatmap, phylobase, pim, pixmap, pkgmaker, plotrix, pls, plyr, png, polspline, polyclip, polynom, prabclus, pracma, praise, pROC, prodlim, profileModel, proto, pscl, pspline, psych, pvclust, qgraph, quadprog, quantmod, quantreg, R6, randomForest, randomForestSRC, RANN, raster, RCircos, RColorBrewer, Rcpp, RcppArmadillo, RcppEigen, RCurl, registry, rentrez, reshape, reshape2, RGCCA, rgdal, rgl, rJava, rjson, RJSONIO, rlecuyer, rmarkdown, R.matlab, rmeta, R.methodsS3, Rmpi, rms, RMTstat, rncl, RNeXML, rngtools, robustbase, ROCR, R.oo, Rook, rotl, roxygen2, rredlist, RSNNS, RSQLite, rstudioapi, Rttf2pt1, R.utils, rversions, RWeka, RWekajars, sandwich, scales, scatterplot3d, segmented, sem, sendmailR, seqinr, sfsmisc, shape, shapefiles, shiny, slam, sm, sna, snow, snowfall, som, sp, spam, SparseM, spatstat, spdep, stabledist, stabs, statmod, stringi, stringr, strucchange, subplex, SuperLearner, SuppDists, survivalROC, taxize, TeachingDemos, tensor, tensorA, testthat, TH.data, tibble, tidyr, timeDate, tkrplot, tm, TraMineR, tree, trimcluster, tripack, tseries, tseriesChaos, TTR, unbalanced, urca, uuid, vcd, vegan, VennDiagram, VGAM, isNetwork,  waveslim, whisker, withr, xlsx, xlsxjars, XML, xml2, xtable, xts, yaml, zoo

=== Documentation ===
=== Documentation ===

Revision as of 08:37, 27 March 2017


R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics

Using R on the HPC cluster

If you want to use R on the HPC cluster, you will have to load its module. You can do that by using the command

module load R

Since there is only one version of R installed, you dont need to specify a version. If you use the command

module spider R

you will find more informations about the module.

Installed version

The currently installed version of R is 3.3.1.

Additional installed packages

The R release contais a lot of additional packages, here is a full list of every currently installed package

abc, abc.data, abind, acepack, adabag, ade4, adegenet, adephylo, ADGofTest, akima, AlgDesign, animation, ape, arm, assertthat, AUC, backports, base64, base64enc, BatchJobs, BB, BBmisc, beanplot, BH, BiasedUrn, bigmemory, bigmemory.sri, bio3d, biom, bit, bitops, bnlearn, bold, bootstrap, brew, brglm, Brobdingnag, calibrate, car, caret, caTools, cgdsr, checkmate, chemometrics, chron, clusterGeneration, clusterRepro, clValid, coda, coin, colorspace, combinat, corpcor, crayon, cubature, curl, cvAUC, d3Network, data.table, DBI, deal, deldir, DEoptimR, deSolve, devtools, DiagrammeR, dichromat, digest, diptest, DiscriMiner, dismo, distillery, diveRsity, doMC, doParallel, doRNG, doSNOW, dplyr, e1071, EasyABC, ellipse, evaluate, expm, expsmooth, extrafont, extrafontdb, extRemes, FactoMineR, fail, fastcluster, fastICA, fastmatch, fdrtool, ff, ffbase, fields, filehash, flashClust, flexclust, flexmix, fma, FNN, foreach, forecast, formatR, Formula, fossil, fpc, fpp, fracdiff, futile.logger, futile.options, gam, amlss.data, gamlss.dist, gbm, gclus, gdalUtils, gdata, geepack, geiger, GeneNet, geometry, getopt, GGally, ggm, ggplot2, ggvis, git2r, glasso, glmnet, gmodels, goftest, gplots, gridBase, gridExtra, GSA, gsalib, gsl, gtable, gtools, highr, Hmisc, htmltools, htmlwidgets, httpuv, httr, huge, hwriter, igraph, infotheo, interpretR, ipred, irace, irlba, Iso, iterators, jpeg, jsonlite, kernlab, klaR, knitr, kohonen, ks, labdsv, labeling, lambda.r, lars, latticeExtra, lava, lavaan, lazy, lazyeval, leaps, LearnBayes, lhs, lme4, Lmoments, lmtest, locfit, logcondens, logistf, logspline, longitudinal,  longmemo, lpSolve, lubridate, magic, magrittr, maps, maptools, markdown, matrixcalc, MatrixModels, matrixStats, maxLik, mboost, mclust, mediation, memoise, mi, mice, mime, minqa, misc3d, miscTools, mixtools, mlbench, mlogit, mlr, mnormt, modeltools, msm, multcomp, multicool, munsell, mvtnorm, ncbit, neuRosim, nleqslv, nloptr, NLP, NMF, nnls, nor1mix, np, numDeriv, openssl, openxlsx, optparse, parallelMap, ParamHelpers, party, pbivnorm, pbkrtest, pcaPP, penalized, permute, phangorn, pheatmap, phylobase, pim, pixmap, pkgmaker, plotrix, pls, plyr, png, polspline, polyclip, polynom, prabclus, pracma, praise, pROC, prodlim, profileModel, proto, pscl, pspline, psych, pvclust, qgraph, quadprog, quantmod, quantreg, R6, randomForest, randomForestSRC, RANN, raster, RCircos, RColorBrewer, Rcpp, RcppArmadillo, RcppEigen, RCurl, registry, rentrez, reshape, reshape2, RGCCA, rgdal, rgl, rJava, rjson, RJSONIO, rlecuyer, rmarkdown, R.matlab, rmeta, R.methodsS3, Rmpi, rms, RMTstat, rncl, RNeXML, rngtools, robustbase, ROCR, R.oo, Rook, rotl, roxygen2, rredlist, RSNNS, RSQLite, rstudioapi, Rttf2pt1, R.utils, rversions, RWeka, RWekajars, sandwich, scales, scatterplot3d, segmented, sem, sendmailR, seqinr, sfsmisc, shape, shapefiles, shiny, slam, sm, sna, snow, snowfall, som, sp, spam, SparseM, spatstat, spdep, stabledist, stabs, statmod, stringi, stringr, strucchange, subplex, SuperLearner, SuppDists, survivalROC, taxize, TeachingDemos, tensor, tensorA, testthat, TH.data, tibble, tidyr, timeDate, tkrplot, tm, TraMineR, tree, trimcluster, tripack, tseries, tseriesChaos, TTR, unbalanced, urca, uuid, vcd, vegan, VennDiagram, VGAM, isNetwork,  waveslim, whisker, withr, xlsx, xlsxjars, XML, xml2, xtable, xts, yaml, zoo


You can look up anything about R on their