List of HPC publications

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This page is intended to list publications that were supported by simulations on the HPC components FLOW/HERO. If you want to contribute to this list, please send an e-mail with subject:

[HPC-HERO or HPC-FLOW] Contribution to the list of HPC publications

to the coordinator of scientific computing (position currently substituted by: It would be highly appreciated if you could provide the digital object identifier (DOI) that refers to your article within that mail. If the journal you published your article(s) in offers to export citations you might alternatively send one of the formats supported by the journal (preverably: BibTex).

NOTE: We kindly ask you to acknowledge the HPC components FLOW/HERO within research articles that were supported by simulations on the HPC facilities.


  1. Claussen, G. and Apolo, L. and Melchert, O. and Hartmann, A. K.,
    Analysis of the loop length distribution for the negative-weight percolation problem in dimensions d=2 through d=6,
    Phys. Rev. E 86, 5 (2012), doi=10.1103/physreve.86.056708.


  1. Melchert, O. and Hartmann, A. K.,
    Typical and large-deviation properties of minimum-energy paths on disordered hierarchical lattices,
    Eur. Phys. J. B 86, 7 (2013), doi=10.1140/epjb/e2013-40230-1.
  2. Mitran, T. and Melchert, O. and Hartmann, A.,
    Biased and greedy random walks on two-dimensional lattices with quenched randomness: The greedy ant within a disordered environment,
    Phys. Rev. E 88, 6 (2013), doi=10.1103/physreve.88.062101.
  3. Melchert, O. and Hartmann, A.,
    Information-theoretic approach to ground-state phase transitions for two- and three-dimensional frustrated spin systems,
    Phys. Rev. E 87, 2 (2013), doi=10.1103/physreve.87.022107.
  4. Melchert, O.,
    Universality class of the two-dimensional randomly distributed growing-cluster percolation model,
    Phys. Rev. E 87, 2 (2013), doi=10.1103/physreve.87.022115.
  5. Norrenbrock, C. and Melchert, O. and Hartmann, A.,
    Paths in the minimally weighted path model are incompatible with Schramm-Loewner evolution,
    Phys. Rev. E 87, 3 (2013), doi=10.1103/physreve.87.032142.
  6. Melchert, O.,
    Percolation thresholds on planar Euclidean relative-neighborhood graphs,
    Phys. Rev. E 87, 4 (2013), doi=10.1103/physreve.87.042106.